- 1
- 1
No "Weightless container" option
#16 opened by MsVella - 2
Request: 1/4 Items
#15 opened by MsVella - 2
Containers vanish -- resolved
#14 opened by FallhammerLord - 1
- 1
Item Piles Fit
#12 opened by EternalRider - 5
Deleting bug / Quantity bug
#11 opened by MastaGooz - 8
Other way to include items in the grid?
#10 opened by MastaGooz - 4
- 1
[Feature Request]
#8 opened by Orionox - 0
Video tutorial
#7 opened by DudeAndre - 2
- 2
Simply world-building
#4 opened by NeruleFR - 2
Skills showing in Grid as undefined
#5 opened by ubercatz - 6
Quantity not displayed
#1 opened by MastaGooz - 1
[DnD 5e] Can't configure grid
#3 opened by megahead11 - 6