
A small utility for printing your location in the filesystem, but truncating large repo subpaths

Primary LanguageRust


This is a little Rust CLI use to display the path in my starship shell prompt on macOS and Linux. It's based on this issue.


It's not available in a package manager, so just clone and compile it on your own. You can point starship it, wherever it lives. See how I do it if you want an example of usage.


Here's how each of the following directories is displayed:

/                              <-- /
└── Users/                     <-- /Users
    └── xavdid/                <-- 🏠 ~
        ├── projects/          <-- ~/projects
        │   └── some-repo/     <-- some-repo
        │       └── a/         <-- some-repo/a
        │           └── b/     <-- some-repo/a/b
        │               └── c/ <-- some-repo/…/b/c
        └── Desktop/           <-- ~/Desktop
            └── d/             <-- ~/Desktop/d
                └── e/         <-- Desktop/d/e
                    └── f/     <-- d/e/f


It prints the current directory based on the following logic:

  • if not under a git repo:
    • the current directory and (at most) the two above it.
    • replaces home with ~ when visible
  • if under a git repo:
    • always show the directory of the repo root
    • show at most 2 directories under that
    • if you're more than two directories down from the repo root, truncate everything between