
Exuberant Ctags file for latex including .def, .sty, and .cls file types and their commands

MIT LicenseMIT

This is a ctags file for extending Exuberant Ctags to accept latex.

Generated Tags

Tags will be generated for:


  • parts as PART entry

  • chapters as CHAP entry

  • sections as . entry

  • subsections .. entry

  • subsubsections ... entry

  • table of contents as TABLE OF CONTENTS

  • frontmatter as FRONTMATTER

  • mainmatter as MAINMATTER

  • backmatter as BACKMATTER

  • bibliography as BIBLIOGRAPHY


  • includegraphics as GL entry
  • lstinputlisting as GL entry


  • label as LABEL entry
  • reference as LABEL entry
  • pageref as LABEL entry


  • math definitions as DEFINITION entry
  • math theorems as THEOREM entry


  • \newcommand as NEW COMMAND entry
  • \renewcommand as RENEW COMMAND entry
  • \providecommand as PROVIDE COMMAND entry
  • \DeclareRobustCommand as DECLARE ROBUST COMMAND entry
  • \CheckCommand as CHECK COMMAND entry


  • \newenvironment as NEW ENVIRONMENT entry
  • \renewenvironment as RENEW ENVIRONMENT entry

Special symbols and generated tags

The above generates the tags file that one would expect, however; the default ctags integration with vim does not like commands with special characters such as \newcommand{@my@command}. The ctags command will correctly add @my@command as type NEW COMMAND to the tags file, but vim will not autocomplete to it. As the use of the @ symbol is convention in commands that the user of a class, style, or definition file is not suppsed to use (protecting the command), it is desired that these can be autocompleted since they are used in many of such files already. A further exercise is to investigate making this work as desired.

The good news is twofold:

  1. You get a nice concise listing of all commands and definitions used in the creation of style, class, and definition files in addition to those in your tex files.
  2. You can use text completion on any commands not including special characters.

Using this ctags file with vim

To get this to work in vim, add the following to your vimrc:

let g:tagbar_type_plaintex = {
    \ 'ctagstype' : 'plaintex',
    \ 'kinds'     : [
        \ 's:sections',
        \ 'g:graphics:0:0',
        \ 'l:labels',
        \ 'r:refs:1:0',
        \ 'p:pagerefs:1:0',
        \ 'c:commands',
        \ 'e:environments'
    \ ],
    \ 'sort'    : 0,
\ }

augroup latex
    autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex set filetype=tex
    autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.cls set filetype=tex
    autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.def set filetype=tex
augroup END

See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26145505/using-vims-tagbar-plugin-for-latex-files