
Analyze your asynchronous jobs as never before.


npm install -g async-job-analyzer


async-job-analyzer <command> <command parameters>


help      Display this help.
analyze   Performs jobs analysis based on given parameters and configuration.
print     Prints details about async job broker.


--command [string]

analyze, print, help commands. All these can be used as default commands without providing --command argument

-c, --config [string]

Configuration file containing user credentials and important URIs for the tool.

Configuration File Convention All configuration fields are mandatory.

    "hostOidc": "... grantToken uri for OIDC ...",
	"asyncJobBaseUri": "... async-job base uri ...",
	"ac1": "... user access code 1 ...",
	"ac2": "... user access code 2 ..."

-q, --queue [string[]]

  • command: analyze
    • Queue names for analysis. If not specified, the tool scans for all jobs no matter the queue name.
  • command: print
    • Print all available queues in the given async job instance.

-s, --status [string[]]

  • command: analyze
    • Queue status for analysis. If not specified, the tool scans for all jobs no matter the status.
  • command: print
    • Print job statistics (count of jobs per status).

-p, --params [string[]]

Supported param values: [count].

count - supported for analyze command only.

  • In case it is used with -q option, the tool will display number of jobs per queue. Filtering is still allowed.
  • In case it is used with -s option, the tool will display job statistics (count of jobs per status).

-o, --output [string]

Output folder path, where the output from the command call should be stored.

-h, --help

Display help


# Perform analysis of all available jobs
async-job-analyzer analyze -q --config C:\cfg.json

# Perform analysis of jobs in specific queues
async-job-analyzer analyze -q QUEUE1 QUEUE2 --config C:\cfg.json

# Show count of jobs per every queue
async-job-analyzer analyze -q --params count --config C:\cfg.json

# Show count of jobs for specific queues only
async-job-analyzer analyze -q QUEUE1 QUEUE2 --params count --config C:\cfg.json

# Show job broker statistics - count of jobs per job status
async-job-analyzer analyze -s --params count --config C:\cfg.json

# Show available queues
async-job-analyzer print -q --config C:\cfg.json

# Show job broker statistics - count of jobs per job status
async-job-analyzer print -s --config C:\cfg.json