User migration tool

Create multiple users at once and generate them the passwords.


npm install


node index.js "UserAdministrator AC1" "UserAdministrator AC1" "OidcAuthorities AC1" "OidcAuthorities AC2" "" "usy-fbcore-configurationg01" 00011111111111111111111111111010 "C:\...\dtoInData.json"


Parameters need to be defined in the following order.

  • User Administrator AC1
    • accessCode1 for account with UserAdministrator privileges to login against OIDC
  • User Administrator AC2
    • accessCode2 for account with UserAdministrator privileges to login against OIDC
  • Oidc Authorities AC1
    • accessCode1 for account with OidcAuthorities privileges to login against OIDC
  • Oidc Authorities AC2
    • accessCode2 for account with OidcAuthorities privileges to login against OIDC
  • host
    • host IP address/domain name
  • application
    • application name, e.g. uu-oidc-maing02
  • awid
    • application workspace ID
  • dtoInPath
    • path to the file with dtoIn list

DtoIn Data

Data in the file located under dtoInPath need to be written according the following convention. Each dtoIn inside the itemList must meet the criteria of the dtoIn for the user/create command.

You can define access codes right in each dtoIn in format dtoIn.accessCode1 and dtoIn.accessCode2. If not defined, the tool will generate random sequence of 8 characters for every missing access code value in the dtoIn

  "itemList": [
    { dtoIn1 },
    { dtoIn2 },