
Try to build on my own a svelte wrapper around vitamin design system

Goal is to do some experiments and maybe, be integrated in or replace @vtmn/svelte


  • only abstract markup and class mechanics, avoid state mechanics such as hide/show (for now?)
  • try to find some logic to classes naming construction (still work in progress)
  • inspired by the code simplicity of sveltestrap
  • build as much as possible to catch up with the other wrappers
  • Use kit and new packaging features


  • light use of typescript (not much to do with it)
  • storybook
  • svelte/kit
  • cover the existing css as much as possible (some features are not yet implemented)
  • 12/18 components available

How to use in a Svelte App?


npm install --save svelte-vitamin

and use it like that (see by yourself)

  import { Button, Snackbar } from "svelte-vitamin";
  let clicked = 0;

  main {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    text-align: center;

    Hello Vitamin {clicked ? clicked : ''}
      on:click={() => clicked++}>
      click me

How to develop?

npm run dev # alias to npm run storybook for convenience

How to publish a new version?

# bump the root package.json (Important to avoid 403 on NPM)
npm version <patch|minor|major>
# bundle everything using svelte kit package command
npx svelte-kit package
git push
# Publish to NPM
npm publish ./package
# And do not forget to publish the release on github