
Front-end test for Verbio Technologies

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A test to apply to Verbio Technologies for Front-end development.

Set up

  • Node 12.16.2
  • npm 6.14.4


npm install

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


ng build --prod

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

You can test it with lite-server when the project has been built:

lite-server --baseDir="dist/verbio-chat"

Or you can just deploy it.


You can configure this project by change the environment variables at src/environment files (there is development and production environment).



It has the src/app/app-routing.module.ts to asing a Component to a particular route and set the guards.

See more about Routing


It has the LoginComponent and the ChatComponent. They are used as pages and the router asigns them to a particular route. It also has the NotFoundComponent to handle an unknown route. Components are responsible for rendering the UI.

See more about Components


It has the AuthService to handle the token storage and login request and the ChatService to handle the requests related to the Chatbot. They are the layer between components and HTTP requests.

See more about Services


It has the AuthGuard to check if the session is correct before navigating to Chat and the GuestGuard to check if there's no session before navigating to login page.

See more about CanActivate Guards

Http Interceptor

It has the NoAuthHttpInteceptor to check if any request returns error 401 and it's responsible for handling the redirection to login page if it happens.

See more about HttpInterceptors


It has *.spec.ts files to write the tests source code. They are placed on the same folder of the file that is being tested.

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.