About Project

This project is an answer to a test project for an interview.

The requirements were:

Create a very simple Laravel web application for task management:

  • Create task (info to save: task name, priority, timestamps)
  • Edit task
  • Delete task
  • Reorder tasks with drag and drop in the browser. Priority should automatically be updated based on this. #1 priority goes at top, #2 next down and so on.
  • Tasks should be saved to a mysql table.
  • BONUS POINT: add project functionality to the tasks. User should be able to select a project from a dropdown and only view tasks associated with that project.

You will be graded on how well-written & readable your code is, if it works, and if you did it the Laravel way.

Include any instructions on how to set up & deploy the web application in your Readme.md file in the project directory (delete the default readme).

Installation Instructions

  • open the project folder in your terminal
  • run composer install
  • run npm install
  • rename the env.example file to .env
  • set up your database credentials in the .env file
  • in your terminal run php artisan key:generate command to set an application key. Make sure the php executable path is included in your SYSTEM PATH
  • Next run php artisan:migrate to run the database migrations
  • Next run npm run dev command to build application assets. Make sure you have npm installed in your machine. If you don't you can download it from here.
  • After that, run php artisan serve
  • open the project in the browser at the url specified (usually localhost:8000).


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.