
Simple Autocomplete / typeahead component for Svelte

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Svelte Autocomplete

Autocomplete / Select / Typeahead component made with Svelte

  • no dependencies
  • use plain lists or array of objects
  • option to define a label field or function
  • option to define more fields used for search
  • support for async load of items


npm i -D simple-svelte-autocomplete


Import the component and define items:

import AutoComplete from "simple-svelte-autocomplete";

const colors = ["White", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Black"];
let selectedColor;

And use it like this:

<AutoComplete items={colors} bind:selectedItem={selectedColor} />

You can also use it with array of objects:

const colorList = [
  { id: 1, name: "White", code: "#FFFFFF" },
  { id: 2, name: "Red", code: "#FF0000" },
  { id: 3, name: "Yellow", code: "#FF00FF" },
  { id: 4, name: "Green", code: "#00FF00" },
  { id: 5, name: "Blue", code: "#0000FF" },
  { id: 6, name: "Black", code: "#000000" }

let selectedColorObject;

Just define which field should be used as label:

  labelFieldName="name" />

Specifying function for label instead of field name is also supported:

  labelFunction={color => color.id + '. ' + color.name} />

By default the component searches by the item label, but it can also search by custom fields by specifying keywords function. For example to enable searching by color name and color HEX code:

  keywordsFunction={color => color.name + ' ' + color.code} />

Asynchronous loading of items

Define a searchFunction which will be called with keyword parameter. If you have searchFunction defined you don't need to specify items since the function will be used for loading.

<AutoComplete searchFunction={getItems} labelFieldName="name" valueFieldName="id" bind:selectedItem={myValue} />
async function getItems(keyword) {
  const url = '/api/my-items/?format=json&name=' + encodeURIComponent(keyword);

  const response = await fetch(url);
  const json = await response.json();

  return json.results;
  "results": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Sample One",
      "date": "2020-09-25",
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Sample Two",
      "date": "2020-09-26",


Props you may want to specify include:


  • items - array of items the user can select from (optional, use searchFunction for async loading of items)
  • searchFunction - optional function to load items asynchroniously from HTTP call for example
  • selectedItem - the current item that is selected (object if the array of items contains objects)
  • labelFieldName - the name of the field to be used for showing the items as text in the droprown
  • keywordsFieldName - the name of the filed to search by
  • value - derived value from the selectedItem, equals to selectedItem if valueFieldName is not specified
  • valueFieldName - field to use to derive the value from the selected item
  • labelFunction - optional function that creates label from the item. If used labelFieldName is ignored
  • keywordsFunction - optional function that creates text to search from the item. If used keywordsFieldName is ignored
  • valueFunction - optional function that derives the value from the selected item. If used valueFieldName is ignored
  • keywordsCleanFunction - optional function to additionally process the derived keywords from the item
  • textCleanFunction - optional function to additionally process the user entered text
  • selectFirstIfEmpty - set to true to select the first item if the user clears the text and closes the dropdown. Defaults to false.
  • minCharactersToSearch - minimum length of search text to perform search, defaults to 1
  • maxItemsToShowInList - maximum number of items to show in the dropdown list, defaults 0 (no limit)
  • disabled - disable the control


  • beforeChange - function called before a new value is selected
  • onChange - function called after new value is selected

Style and UI options

  • placeholder - change the text displayed when no option is selected
  • noResultsText - text to show in the dropdown when the search text does not match any item. Defaults to "No results found". Can be set to "" to not show anything.
  • hideArrow - set to true to not show the blue dropdown arrow
  • showClear - set to true to show X button that can be used to deselect the selected item
  • className - apply a className to the control
  • inputClassName - apply a className to the input control
  • inputId - apply an id attribute to the the input control
  • dropdownClassName - apply a className to the dropdown div showing the list of items
  • name - generate an HTML input with this name, containing the current value
  • debug - flag to enable detailed log statements from the component

CSS properties

  • autocomplete the class applied to the main control
  • autocomplete-input the class applied to the input list
  • autocomplete-list the class applied to the dropdown list
  • autocomplete-list-item the class applied to items in the dropdown list

The component is inteded to use with Bulma but it can be adapted to use Boostrap or anything else.