
GCash Anchor for the Stellar Network

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GCash Anchor for the Stellar Network


  1. A trustline for PHP is created from the Customer's stellar account to the Merchant (issuer)'s account. The Customer must have a stellar account funded with at least 31 XLM to fulfill the minimum balance requirements.
  2. Once the trustline is created, the Customer executes an HTTP request that includes the stellar account address, GCASH phone number, and an optional memo on the website.
  3. Customer requests for a cash-in of GCASH amount and provides the GCASH phone number on the website.
  4. GCash is sent to merchant's number and a reference number from Globe is generated.
  5. Customer confirms reference number by sending a text message with reference number to merchant from GCASH phone number.
  6. Merchant posts: date, value of gcash, stellar destination and reference no.
  7. Merchant finds stellar address in database from number from cash-in request
  8. Merchant funds stellar address.

How it Works (testnet)

  1. Add a trustline (Stellar) for asset PHP to issuing account GBEAEXVL27YDQIHGSLDA3F57BZB2E5KL5LK5DJRY62EEMV4I42HED2V7
  • Stellar transaction must have a memo that includes the person's GCASH cellphone number 09175431287
  1. Receive a phone number from issuer to send your GCash to
  • We need additional verification to prove the phone number is correct - person should send a text message with their public address to the number given by the issuer. This is because GCash that is sent to a personal address is confirmed in the following format:
You have received P500.00 of GCash from DEPOSITER'S NAME.
Your new balance is P500.00 09-29-17 07:49AM Ref. No. XXXXXXXXX.

The issuer does not receive the person's phone number when receiving GCash so we would need to verify the number through the SMS channel

  • One individual phone number per GCASH account (100k limit)?
  • Watch for GCASH being sent from a recipient's phone number through a GSM receiver. Data should be broadcasted/published to prove that GCash has been sent to issuer
  • From the phone number that sent in the GCash, find the address associated with that phone number and fund its Stellar account
  1. To withdraw, send back PHP credit to issuer's account
  • Watch for PHP credit being received at issuing account
  • Disburse GCash to phone number associated with Stellar address that sent the PHP credit
  • You could send to a federated address, but there is no guarantee that the address 09173819338*gcashanchor.com is a GCASH KYC'd number, so perhaps it is best to send it directly back to the GCASH number used and let the person send the GCASH to the intended recipient

Potential caveats

  1. If there were official APIs that watched for transactions on the GCash network that would be interesting (instead of confirming transactions via SMS)
  2. Could potentially look into becoming a GCash merchant in order to bypass the 100k php credit per wallet and have all transactions go to the merchant account.
  3. If user does not have access to mobile number and they still have PHP credit, what happens?
  • Federated address could perhaps work
  • They register a new GCASH account, go through the trusting process, and send the GCASH to a new Stellar address
  1. Globe has a system wherein customers that send GCash to each other have already gone through the KYC process by Globe.
  2. Should there still be a KYC process for the Stellar network?