A versioning font with a lot fork
LICENCE All generated fonts are under SIL OFL (http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL). All the scripts are from https://github.com/lafkon/utils.svg2font
Drawings on Inkscape.
You need the Fira Sans as Reference http://mozilla.github.io/Fira/
##HOW TO DO -The svg is in i/svg/version_0.1.0 -Open the svg with Inkscape and complete as you want.
To generate a font :
- In the svg, you've got for each letter a layer with his unicode code. It finish with _0.1 or _0.2, or other versions numbers.
- the XX_ ones will be ignored.
- Run the script who matched with the version you want.
- Wait.
- It will be good.