
Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ascii Table Generator

This library generates tables in Ascii from raw data, enumerables, and instances of System.Data.DataTable. Within cells, it has text wrapping capability based on this author's Snork.TextWrap library.

Latest version

Table of Contents

var table = new AsciiTableGenerator("A Title");
table.SetHeading("", "Name", "Age");
table.Add(1, "Bob", 52).Add(2, "John", 34).Add(3, "Jim", 83);

Example 1 output:

|    A Title     |
|   | Name | Age |
| 1 | Bob  |  52 |
| 2 | John |  34 |
| 3 | Jim  |  83 |
class MyClass {
    public string Column1 { get; set; }
    public string Column2 { get; set; }
var items = new List<MyClass>
                new MyClass { Column1 = "Bozo", Column2 = "TheClown" },
                new MyClass { Column1 = "Popeye", Column2 = "TheSailor" }
var table = AsciiTableGenerator.FromEnumerable(items);

Example 2 Output:

| Column1 |  Column2  |
| Bozo    | TheClown  |
| Popeye  | TheSailor |
public class Snork.AsciiTable.AsciiTableGenerator


Type Name Summary
Options Options


Return Type Name Summary
AsciiTableGenerator Add(IEnumerable<Object> row) Add a row of data
AsciiTableGenerator Add(Object[] row) Add a row of data
AsciiTableGenerator AddRange(IEnumerable<List<Object>> rows) Add a range of rows
AsciiTableGenerator Clear() Clear current table data and reset settings to defaults
AsciiTableGenerator ClearRows() Clear current table data
AsciiTableGenerator DisplayBorder(Boolean value) Setting for whether or not to display the border around the cells
AsciiTableGenerator DisplayRowSeparators(Boolean value) Display row separators between each row of data, for improved visibility
List<String> GetCaptions() Get list of captions for all columns
List<List<Object>> GetRows() Get current table data as list of list
String GetTitle() Get the current title
AsciiTableGenerator SetBorder(Nullable<Char> horizontalEdge = null, Nullable<Char> verticalEdge = null, Nullable<Char> topCorner = null, Nullable<Char> bottomCorner = null) Set the border characters for rendering, if no arguments are passed it will be reset to defaults. If a single edge arg is passed, it will be used for all borders.
AsciiTableGenerator SetCaptionAlignment(Int32 index, CellAlignmentEnum alignment) Set the alignment of caption for a given column
AsciiTableGenerator SetCaptions(List<String> captions) Set captions for all columns
AsciiTableGenerator SetCaptions(String[] captions) Set captions for all columns
AsciiTableGenerator SetCellAlignment(Int32 index, CellAlignmentEnum cellAlignment) Set alignment for cells in a given column
AsciiTableGenerator SetColumnWidth(Int32 index, ColumnWidthTypeEnum columnWidthType, Nullable<Int32> width = null) Set width for a given column, by index. ColumnWidthType can be Fixed or Auto
AsciiTableGenerator SetDisplayCaptions(Boolean value) Setting for whether captions are displayed or not
AsciiTableGenerator SetTextWrapperOptions(Int32 index, Action<TextWrapperOptions> action) Set text wrapping options for a particular column with options from [Snork.TextWrap library] (https://github.com/xavierjefferson/Snork.TextWrap)
AsciiTableGenerator SetTitle(String name) Set title for the table. Will be rendered in single cell that spans all columns
AsciiTableGenerator SetTitleAlignment(CellAlignmentEnum alignment) Set alignment for title cell
String ToString() Render the table

Static Methods

Return Type Name Summary
AsciiTableGenerator FromDataTable(DataTable table, Options options = null, Boolean autoCaptions = True) Create an AsciiTableGenerator instance with a datatable as its source
AsciiTableGenerator FromEnumerable(IEnumerable<T> data, Options options = null, Boolean autoCaptions = True) Create an AsciiTableGenerator instance with an enumerable of some type as its source


public enum Snork.AsciiTable.CellAlignmentEnum
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 NotSpecified
1 Left
2 Right
3 Center


public enum Snork.AsciiTable.ColumnWidthTypeEnum
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 Auto
1 Fixed


public class Snork.AsciiTable.Options


Type Name Summary
Char BottomCorner
CellAlignmentEnum CaptionCellAlignment Cell alignment for captions
Boolean DisplayBorder Show border around table
Boolean DisplayCaptions Show captions with a row separator
Boolean DisplayRowSeparators Add row separators between each row of data
Char HorizontalEdge
String LinePrefix Prefix to add to each line on render
String Title Table title. Defaults to null
CellAlignmentEnum TitleCellAlignment Cell alignment for title, if set
Char TopCorner
Char VerticalEdge