DMD Analyzer

Analyze PIN2DMD dump files (such as can be generated from and extract game information from them.

Motivation for the project is to one day analyze a live stream from a game to automatically capture statistics, in the spirit of

A test dump file from Demolition Man is provided in data to experiment with.

There is rails app in dmd-analyzer that can receive events and store in a database.

Current Status

Proof of concept code for Demolition Man can analyze a variety of events and track scores for any number of players.

Only works on an emulator dump though, I can't get a reliable feed of the real DMD to process :(

In theory, PIN2DMD has a debug interface over microUSB that can deliver frames. In practice, while I can get some frames out of it, I can't get it to stream reliably: it would give "broken" frames, and would persistently crash after a few seconds of operation. Details in this issue..

Possible next steps:

  • Investigate the firmware of PIN2DMD? (Need to pay the authors for this.)
  • Find another way to tap the DMD?
  • Try using a different language to eliminate possibility of issue with Ruby's libusb wrapper?

These are pretty far out of my comfort zone and I haven't pursued them yet.


Inspect PIN2DMD Dump

These can be created at by clicking the DMD DUMP button in the top right of the UI.

> bin/inspect-dump data/test-dump-1.raw.gz | head -n 20
I, [2022-07-31T13:20:08.073870 #29891]  INFO -- : Loading data/test-dump-1.raw.gz
I, [2022-07-31T13:20:08.578854 #29891]  INFO -- : Loaded data/test-dump-1.raw.gz
I, [2022-07-31T13:20:08.578941 #29891]  INFO -- : Frames: 437
I, [2022-07-31T13:20:08.613364 #29891]  INFO -- : Frame 0, timestamp 2294275:
       ▗▟████▙     ▟          ▗▄   ▄▖
      ▗█▛▀  ▜█▌   ▟▛         ▗█▛  ▟█▘
     ▗█▛ ▐▖ ▐█▙  ▟█▌  ▄ ▄    ██▘ ▐█▛  ▄
     █▛  ▟▌ ▟██ ▗██  ▟▛▐█▌  ▐█▛  ██▘ ▐█▌
    ▐█   █▌ ██▌▗██▌ ▟▛ ▝█▘ ▗██▘ ▟█▛  ▝█▘
 ▗  █▌  ▐█▘▐██▚███▘▟▛      ▟█▛ ▗██▘
▗█▘ █  ▗██ ███████▟█▘     ▐██  ██▌
█▌  █▖▗██▘▐████████▘▗▟█▌ ▗██▌ ▟██  ▄██  ▗▟██▄██ ▗▟█▖ ▟█▖ ▄█▙   ▟
█▌  ▝██▛▘ ███▛▐███▛▗███▘ ▟██ ▗██▌ ▟██▛ ▗██▘▐██▌▗███▙████▟███▌ ▟█
▐█       ▟██▛ ████ ▟██▛ ▟██▌▗██▛ ▐███ ▗██▛ ▐██ █▛▟██▛▐███▚██▘▟█▘
▟█▖     ▗██▛  ███▌▐███ ▟███▗███▘▗███▌▗███  ██▌▟█▐███ ███▘██▛▗█▘
███▌   ▗██▛   ███  ██▌▟███▙███▛▗████▗███▌ ▟██▗█▘███▘▐██▘▐██▘▟█▙▗
██▛   ▗██▘    ██▌  ████▘███▛▝███▛▐███▘██ ▟██▙█▘▐██▘ ██▛ ▐██▟▛▜▛▟
█▛   ▗█▀      ▝█   ▝█▛▘ ▝█▛  ▜█▛  ▜▛▘ ▝██▘▝█▛▘ ██▛ ▐█▛   ▜█▀ ▝██

Create Mask

A mask can be created to identify frames of a particular type, for further analysis later.

> bin/create-mask \
  -i data/test-dump-1.raw.gz \
  -o masks/dm/ball.json \
  --frame 399 \
  --mask 28,27,18,5 \
I, [2022-07-31T13:21:11.747669 #29954]  INFO -- : Loading data/test-dump-1.raw.gz
I, [2022-07-31T13:21:12.247765 #29954]  INFO -- : Loaded data/test-dump-1.raw.gz
I, [2022-07-31T13:21:12.276365 #29954]  INFO -- : Extracted frame 399:

                  ▗████  ▄██  ▟████▖ ▟████▖ ▄██  ▟████▖
                  █████  ███  █████▌ █████▌ ███  █████▌
                  ██▘     ██  ██ ▐█▌ ██ ▐█▌  ██  ██ ▐█▌
                  ██▄▄▖   ██  ██ ▐█▌ ██ ▐█▌  ██  ██ ▐█▌
                  █████▖  ██  ██ ▐█▌ ██ ▐█▌  ██  ██ ▐█▌
                  ██▀▜█▌  ██  ██ ▐█▌ ██ ▐█▌  ██  ██ ▐█▌
                  ██ ▐█▌  ██  ██ ▐█▌ ██ ▐█▌  ██  ██ ▐█▌
                  ██▄▟█▌▗▄██▄▖██▄▟█▌ ██▄▟█▌▗▄██▄▖██▄▟█▌
                   ▀▀▀▘ ▝▀▀▀▀▘▝▀▀▀▀▗▘▝▀▀▀▀ ▝▀▀▀▀▘▝▀▀▀▀

              ▄▖ ▄ ▖ ▖   ▗          ▄▄▗▄ ▄▄▗▄▖ ▗▄ ▖ ▗▖▗ ▗
              ▙▞▐▄▌▌ ▌   ▜          ▙▖▐▄▘▙▖▐▄  ▐▄▘▌ ▙▟ ▚▘
              ▙▞▐ ▌▙▖▙▖  ▟▖         ▌ ▐ ▌▙▄▐▄▖ ▐  ▙▖▌▐ ▐ ▗
I, [2022-07-31T13:21:12.307175 #29954]  INFO -- : Mask [28, 27, 18, 5]:

I, [2022-07-31T13:21:12.337726 #29954]  INFO -- : Masked image:

              ▄▖ ▄ ▖ ▖
              ▙▞▐▄▌▌ ▌
              ▙▞▐ ▌▙▖▙▖

Inspect mask

> bin/inspect-mask masks/dm/ball.json
I, [2022-07-31T15:48:17.456906 #40472]  INFO -- : Mask:
I, [2022-07-31T15:48:17.484671 #40472]  INFO -- : Image:
              ▄▖ ▄ ▖ ▖                                          
              ▙▞▐▄▌▌ ▌                                          
              ▙▞▐ ▌▙▖▙▖                                         

Generate digit templates

Need to repeat this for all digits, finding appropriate frames.

> bin/extract-dm-digit-templates \
    -i data/dm-all-digits.raw.gz \
    -o masks/dm \
    --frame 70 \
    --score 1,300,000 \

Extract scores from a dump

> bin/extract-dm-scores data/dm-all-digits.raw.gz
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:14.990]: Loading data/dm-1p-3ball.raw.gz
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:16.741]: Loaded data/dm-1p-3ball.raw.gz
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:16.741]: Frames: 1481
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:16.748] (9): {:type=>:game_start, :t=>4578304}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:16.872] (49): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>3330, :t=>5182720}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:17.133] (110): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>253330, :t=>5920000}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:17.337] (162): {:type=>:ball_save, :t=>6503936}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:17.471] (235): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>503330, :t=>7297536}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:17.769] (347): {:type=>:drain, :t=>8629248}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:17.775] (350): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>1503330, :t=>9166848}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.029] (400): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>1506660, :t=>9894144}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.232] (493): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>1756660, :t=>10728704}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.304] (560): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>2006660, :t=>11261440}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.467] (592): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>2256660, :t=>11712000}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.667] (680): {:type=>:drain, :t=>12741376}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.674] (737): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>3256660, :t=>13652992}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.715] (747): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>4256660, :t=>13821952}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.725] (795): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>6256660, :t=>14544128}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.734] (797): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>6506660, :t=>14574848}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:18.967] (850): {:type=>:ball_save, :t=>15148288}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:19.110] (931): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>6756660, :t=>15942144}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:19.449] (1042): {:type=>:drain, :t=>17242880}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:19.456] (1056): {:type=>:update_score, :score=>7756660, :t=>17790720}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:19.469] (1417): {:type=>:game_end, :t=>4575163540708794880}
INFO [2022-08-06 13:34:19.471] (1480): Average frame processing time: 1ms


We have the initial stirrings of a test suite.



Assorted pro-tips for playing using the switches on

Demolition Man

  • Ball Launch doesn't appear to do anything, just start scoring points with playfield switches to "launch".
  • Top Popper is the back sink that starts multiball.
  • To drain, close Trough 5 (left), toggle Eject, open Trough 5 (left). (Optos --- such as the trough --- are "open" when they are blocked.)