
Fantasy Land type for CSS color

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Fantasy Land type for CSS color


yarn add fantasy-color


import Color from 'fantasy-color'

console.log(Color([254, 213, 92, 0.3]).toString())
// > 'rgba(254, 213, 92, 0.3)'

// > 'rgba(69, 35, 18, 1)'

console.log(Color('rgb(23, 234, 67)').toString())
// > 'rgba(23, 234, 67, 1)'

console.log(Color('rgba(23, 234, 67, .6)').toString())
// > 'rgba(23, 234, 67, 0.6)'

console.log(Color('hsva(38, 91, 98, 0.8)').toString())
// > 'rgba(250, 167, 22, 0.8)'

console.log(Color.of(250, 167, 23, 0.8))
// > 'rgba(250, 167, 23, 0.8)'

console.log(Color.of(250, 167, 23, 0.8).toHEX())
// > '#FAA717'

console.log(Color.of(250, 167, 23, 0.8).toHSVA())
// > 'hsva(38, 91, 98, 0.8)'

console.log(Color.of(250, 167, 23, 0.8).toArray())
// > [250, 167, 23, 0.8]


Based on http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html , there is a brightness function that you can use to calculate the perceived brightness of your color, in scale from 0 to 255:

import Color from 'fantasy-color'

console.log(Color('rgba(107, 66, 98, 0.7)').brightness())
// > 58.87944216787384

Invert color

Inverting will calculate the inverse color without affecting any alpha values. The color will cause white to become black, blue to become orange and accordingly:

import Color from 'fantasy-color'

console.log(Color('rgba(233, 66, 55, 0.3)').invert().toString())
// > 'rgba(22, 189, 200, 0.3)'