A python script to retag mkv files.
Move the mkv files to input folder.
Edit config.json (for uploading through rclone) [Optional]
Default config.json
"rclone_upload": "False",
"rclone_remote": "drive",
"delete_files": "False"
py retag.py -h
usage: retag.py [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Original Group/Release Tag.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Your Group/Release Tag.
Example Command : py retag.py -i CBFM -o LOLi
Input and Output Value are case-sensitive.
- Changes the Title of the mkvfile to
Bla.bla.2012.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP.5.1 - Your Name / Group Name
- Changes the Title of first 3 tracks to blank (incase the original release has anything in title.)
- Remuxes the mkvfile with new name and changes done above.
- Uploads to any rclone remote set in config.json and return the link (saved as links.txt in same directory).
- If files > 1 : Makes a folder , moves the files to this folder and uploads it otherwise uploads single file.