Base contracts for EVM-based Xaya

The Xaya technology and SDK are, mostly, blockchain agnostic, and can be run with another base layer than Xaya Core.


This repository contains smart contracts that can form the base layer for Xaya to run on EVM-based blockchains like Polygon.

Account Registry

The foundation of Xaya tech is management of names (user accounts). In this implementation, names are ERC-721 compliant NFTs. Each name consists of a namespace (one or more lower-case English letters, e.g. p for names that are normal player accounts) and the actual name, which is a sequence of bytes that must form valid UTF-8.

Names can be minted (registered) by everyone on a first-come, first-serve basis, for a fee in WCHI. The ERC-721 token ID is based on the hash of namespace and name (rather than e.g. given out sequentially).

Once registered, names can be used to send moves via calling a special function on the smart contract. The owner and any approved address can send moves on behalf of any given name. The move just records an event that contains some payload data (parsed and interpreted by individual games), and optionally transfers WCHI in the same transaction to allow for certain types of atomic trading.


The base account registry contract is not upgradable, but it has a configurable pointer to a policy contract. The policy determines the fees for moves and registrations, the recipient address of fees, and the validation rules for names and moves. It also determines how the NFT and contract metadata is computed.


The contracts from this repository have been deployed on various networks.

Polygon Mainnet

On the Polygon mainnet, the contracts are deployed as:

Mumbai Testnet

On the Mumbai testnet for Polygon, the contracts are deployed as:


The main contract code (excluding NFT metadata generation) has been audited by Solidified based on commit 6271ae0ec19432b74e3b31be1bf5cadc26dc9793. The audit report can be found here and in the official Solidified Github account.