
VMware PowerCLi scripts and modules

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

powerclilogoVMware PowerCLi Repo


No Script Description
1 Copy-VMNotes2ComputerDescription.ps1 Copy VMware VM Notes to Computer/AD Computer Account Description
2 Kickstart-VMHostIMM.ps1 Kickstart ESXi hosts on IBM/LENOVO servers without PXE using PowerShell
3 Find-VC.ps1 Search VCenter VM throw direct connection to group of ESXi hosts


Vi-Module VMware VI Automation Module

Requirements: PowerShell 5 or above. To check, type the following command: $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major.

To install this module, drop the entire 'Vi-Module' folder into one of your module directories.

The default PowerShell module paths are listed in the $env:PSModulePath environment variable.

To make it look better, split the paths in this manner: $env:PSModulePath -split ';'

The default per-user module path is: "$env:HOMEDRIVE$env:HOMEPATH\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules".

The default computer-level module path is: "$env:windir\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules".

To use the module, type following command: Import-Module Vi-Module -Force -Verbose.

To see the commands imported, type Get-Command -Module Vi-Module.

For help on each individual cmdlet or function, run Get-Help CmdletName -Full [-Online][-Examples].

No Function Description
1 Get-RDM Get all VM with their RDM (Raw Device Mappings) disks
2 Convert-VmdkThin2EZThick Inflate thin virtual disks
3 Find-VcVm Search VCenter VM throw direct connection to group of ESXi hosts. Thanks to VMGU.ru for the article
4 Set-PowerCLiTitle Write connected VI servers info to PowerCLi window title bar
5 Get-VMHostFirmwareVersion Get a Firmware version and release date of your ESXi hosts
6 Compare-VMHostSoftwareVib Deprecated. Use Compare-VMHost -Compare VIB instead
7 Get-VMHostBirthday Get ESXi hosts' installation date. Thanks to Magnus Andersson for his idea
8 Enable-VMHostSSH/Disable-VMHostSSH Enable/Disable SSH on all ESXi hosts in a cluster
9 Set-VMHostNtpServer Set NTP Servers setting on ESXi hosts
10 Get-Version Get VMware Virtual Infrastructure objects' version info: VM, ESXi Hosts, VDSwitches, Datastores, VCenters, PowerCLi, License Keys
11 Compare-VMHost Compare two or more ESXi hosts with PowerCLi
12 Move-Template2Datastore Invoke Storage VMotion task for VM Template(s)
13 Connect-VMHostPutty Connect to ESXi host(s) by putty SSH client with no password!
14 Set-MaxSnapshotNumber Set maximum allowed VM snapshot number
15 Get-VMHostGPU Get ESXi host(s) GPU info
16 Test-VMHotfix Test VM for installed Hotfix(es)
17 Test-VMPing Test VM accessibility
18 Search-Datastore Browse/Search VMware Datastores
19 Get-VMHostPnic/Get-VMHostHba Get ESXi hosts Peripheral devices
20 Set-SdrsCluster/Get-SdrsCluster Configure Storage DRS clusters
21 Add-SdrsAntiAffinityRule/Get-SdrsAntiAffinityRule/Remove-SdrsAntiAffinityRule Create and delete SDRS Anti-Affinity Rules
22 Invoke-SdrsRecommendation Run Storage DRS recommendations
23 Set-SdrsAntiAffinityRule Configure SDRS Anti-Affinity Rules
24 Convert-VI2PSCredential Securely save and retrieve credentials
25 Get-VMGuestPartition/Expand-VMGuestPartition Extend VM Guest Partition


No Function Description
1 Get-VSANHealthCheckSupported Get all available VSAN Health Checks. Idea by William Lam
2 Get-VSANHealthCheckSkipped Get skipped VSAN Health Checks. Idea by William Lam
3 Get-VSANHealthCheckGroup Get all VSAN Health Check groups. Idea by William Lam
4 Enable-VSANHealthCheckSkipped Enable skipped VSAN Health Check(s). Idea by William Lam
5 Disable-VSANHealthCheck Disable VSAN Health Check(s). Idea by William Lam
6 Get-VSANSmartData Get SMART drive data. Idea by William Lam
7 Get-VSANVersion Get VSAN health service version. Idea by William Lam
8 Get-VSANHealthSummary Fetch VSAN Cluster Health status
9 Invoke-VSANHealthCheck Run VSAN Cluster Health Test
10 Get-VSANCapability Get VSAN capabilities

VAMI Virtual Appliance Management Interface

No Function Description
1 Get-VAMIHealth Get Appliance health summary
2 Get-VAMISummary Get basic Appliance info
3 Get-VAMIAccess Get access interfaces
4 Get-VAMIBackupSize Get estimated backup size
5 Get-VAMIDisks Get VMDK disk number to OS partition mapping
6 Get-VAMIStorageUsed/Start-VAMIDiskResize Get OS partition usage & Resize partition
7 Get-VAMINetwork Get networking info
8 Get-VAMIPerformance Get CPU% & Memory% usage
9 Get-VAMIService/Restart-VAMIService/Start-VAMIService/Stop-VAMIService Get & control services' state
10 Get-VAMIStatsList Get available monitoring metrics
11 Get-VAMITime Get current Time and NTP info
12 Get-VAMIUser/New-VAMIUser/Remove-VAMIUser Manipulate local users