
Parse PSSE Raw file into dataframe

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This packages parses PSSE RAW files in pandas dataframes.

Alternative Packages


The program is composed of

  • psse.py
    • Reads through the file and changes it's mode based on signals received.
    • Stores the data based on the current mode
  • psse-modes.yaml
    • Describes the structure of the RAW format.
    • Can create different mode files to describe different RAW versions (not currently implemented)
  • format_components.py
    • An opinonated way to format the RAW data, based on pypsa

The current psse-modes file is for a specific RAW format. There are no gaurentees that it parses the given format or any format correctly.

If you are planning on using, validate the output.


Submit any corrections or new modes and pull requests.

Sample scripts

The following are examples of ways to use the module

  • parse.py parses and prints data
  • network.py performs simple network analysis
  • scripts/process.sh processes folder of raw files

Example Usage

python3 parse.py --input data/ERCOT_SS-18SSWG_2021_SUM1_Final_06252018.RAW  --debug

### Output
     I  MODSW  UK1  UK2  VSWHI  VSWLO  SWREM ...  B5  N6  B6  N7  B7  N8  B8
0    1      1    0    1   1.03   0.95      0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1   99      1    0    1   1.03   0.95      0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2  107      1    0    1   1.03   0.95      0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3  126      1    0    1   1.03   0.95      0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4  149      1    0    1   1.03   0.95      0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

[5 rows x 26 columns]

   I      ZONAME
0  1  'TEMPORAR'
1  2  'BRYAN   '
2  3  'DENTON  '
3  4  'GARLAND '
4  5  'KOPPERL '

       I    ID     PG   QG     QT     QB ...   O3   F3  O4   F4  O5   F5
0    967  'V1'    0.0  0.0    1.0 -100.0 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
1    967  'V2'    0.0  0.0    1.0 -100.0 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
2   5920  'EQ'  599.4  0.0  360.0 -360.0 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
3   6103  'EQ'  219.0  0.0  132.0 -132.0 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
4  40426  'B1'    0.0  0.0   20.0  -20.0 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0

[5 rows x 28 columns]

       I      J    ID  DUM1   DUM2  ...   DUM5  DUM6  DUM7  DUM8  DUM9
0   5568  42540  '&1'     1  43221  ...    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
1   5915  42530  '&1'     2  47531  ...    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
2  40010  40430  '&1'     1  40439  ...    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
3  40010  41330  '&1'     1  41440  ...    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
4  40015  40170  '&1'     1  40171  ...    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN

[5 rows x 12 columns]

    I          OWNAME
0   1             '1'
1   9  'TAEPTC      '
2  11            '11'
3  12  'TAEPTN      '
4  18  'RAIRLG      '

0  1   9025  0     0   0.0   0.0  ...    0.05  100.0    190   0.0   0.0      0
1  2  11172  0     1   0.0   0.0  ...    0.05  100.0    794   0.0   0.0      0
2  3  11173  0     1   0.0   0.0  ...    0.05  100.0    794   0.0   0.0      0
3  4  80319  0     1   0.0   0.0  ...    0.05  100.0      9   0.0   0.0      0
4  5  80320  0     1   0.0   0.0  ...    0.05  100.0      9   0.0   0.0      0

[5 rows x 19 columns]

       I    ID  STATUS  UK1      B
0   5915  'R1'       0  0.0 -150.0
1   5915  'R2'       0  0.0 -150.0
2  38046  'C1'       1  0.0   20.0
3  38046  'C2'       1  0.0   20.0
4  38046  'C3'       1  0.0   20.0

                I  MDC    RDC  SETVL  VSCHD  ...    ICI  IFI  ITI IDI  UK3-A
0  '1           '    1  0.000 -219.0   82.0  ...      0    0    0   1    0.0
1  '2           '    1  0.050  599.4  164.0  ...      0    0    0   1    0.0
2  '3           '    1  0.036 -149.0   42.2  ...      0    0    0   1    0.0
3  '4           '    1  0.036 -149.0   42.2  ...      0    0    0   1    0.0

[4 rows x 46 columns]

     I    J      K   CKT  CW  CZ  ...    VMI3  NTP3  TAB3  CR3  CX3  UK5-A
0  240  241  36996  '2 '   1   1  ...     0.9  33.0   0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0
1  240  241  36997  '1 '   1   1  ...     0.9  33.0   0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0
2  973  834    974  '1 '   1   1  ...     0.9  33.0   0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0
3  977  979    957  '2 '   1   1  ...     0.9  33.0   0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0
4  977  976    958  '1 '   1   1  ...     0.9  33.0   0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0

[5 rows x 83 columns]

   I  ISW  PDES  PTOL          ARNAME
0  1    0   0.0  10.0  'ONCOR_ED    '
1  2    0   0.0  10.0  'RYBRNTSP    '
2  3    0   0.0  10.0  'TEXLATSP    '
3  4    0   0.0  10.0  'CNP_TSP     '
4  5    0   0.0  10.0  'CPS_TSP     '

   I    J   CKT         R         X        B ...   O2   F2  O3   F3  O4   F4
0  1    5  '1 '  0.002788  0.014900  0.00415 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
1  1   11  '1 '  0.005850  0.030030  0.00832 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
2  2    4  '1 '  0.004453  0.023790  0.00665 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
3  2   13  '1 '  0.000332  0.003062  0.00091 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0
4  2  964  '1 '  0.000660  0.005760  0.00536 ...    0  1.0   0  1.0   0  1.0

[5 rows x 24 columns]

   I            NAME  BASKV  IDE  AREA  ...          VA  AMAX  AMIN  BMAX  BMIN
0  1  'ROANSPRARE  '  138.0    1    11  ...   69.709279  1.05  0.95  1.05  0.95
1  2  'KEITHSW     '  138.0    1    11  ...   69.756469  1.05  0.95  1.05  0.95
2  4  'IOLA        '  138.0    1    11  ...   69.975923  1.05  0.95  1.05  0.95
3  5  'SANDYSW     '  138.0    1    11  ...   69.697614  1.05  0.95  1.05  0.95
4  6  'HWY6        '  138.0    1    11  ...   67.540633  1.05  0.95  1.05  0.95

[5 rows x 13 columns]

   I    ID  STATUS  AREA  ZONE     PL     QL   IP   IQ   YP   YQ  OWNER  A  B
0  1  '1 '       1    11    11  7.626  2.961  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0    115  1  0
1  4  '1 '       1    11    11  7.807  0.835  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0    115  1  0
2  6  '1 '       1    11    11  5.095  1.523  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0    115  1  0
3  7  '1 '       1    11    11  8.897  1.020  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0    115  1  0
4  8  '1 '       1    11    11  3.709  0.831  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0    115  1  0

Example jq join

jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' bus-ercot_ss-18sswg_2021_sum1.json line-ercot_ss-18sswg_2021_sum1.json > ercot_ss-18sswg_2021_sum1.json