FL-TP: Federated Learning-based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Algorithm against Cyberattacks
Requirments Install all the packages from requirments.txt
Python3 Pytorch Torchvision
The data set can be downloaded from the official website of VeRemi(https://veremi-dataset.github.io/), and generated in the makedata folder.
The data Sample could be seen in the url {https://github.com/CoderTylor/FL-TP/tree/main/FL-TP}
Running the experiments
The baseline experiment trains the model in the Fed-Avg.
To run the code:
python fltp_main.py --model=LSTM --epochs=10 --user=4/10/20
Options The default values for various paramters parsed to the experiment are given in options.py. Details are given some of those parameters:
--gpu: Default: None (runs on CPU). Can also be set to the specific gpu id.
--epochs: Number of rounds of training.
--lr: Learning rate set to 0.01 by default.
--seed: Random Seed. Default set to 1.
--num_users:Number of users. Default is 100.
--local_ep: Number of local training epochs in each user. Default is 10.
--local_bs: Batch size of local updates in each user. Default is 10.
title={Federated Learning-based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction against Cyberattacks},
author={Zhe Wang, Tingkai Yan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.08566},
Experiment Result