
cs50 final project

Primary LanguageCSS

CS50 Final Project

This project is a web app that shows coronavirus statistics. users can play a quiz if he/she clicks in the logo button. The user must register then login to unlock the search country stats and prevention tips features. when the user login, he can change his profile settings (username, password) and can save his/her and unsave tips.

you can alter tips.csv but you have to update the database with the new data so run in cmd: python import.py tips.csv


register and login to rapid api for api key then run on the command-line:

for mac and linux

cd [path to app.py]
export API_KEY=[your api key]
export FLASK_APP=app.py
flask run


export FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_DEBUG=1

for Windows

cd [path to app.py]
set API_KEY=[your api key]
set FLASK_APP=app
flask run


set FLASK_ENV=development
for more info visit: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.0.x/cli/