
Domoticz plugin for the support of the ROOMBA vacuum robot cleaner.

Primary LanguagePython


It took me quite some effort to get the plugin available. Small contributions are welcome...

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Domoticz plugin for the support of the iRobot ROOMBA vacuum robot cleaner. It is tested with the ROOMBA i7.

It enables you to manage the following functions:

  • Start/stop cleaning (when stopping, the vacuum cleaner returns automatically to its docking station)
  • Status of the vacuum cleaner (charging, running, docking, ...)
  • Dedicated device for the battery status (Note: the battery status is systematically updated in the "Run" device. However on request an additional device is created from version 1.1.0 to give the battery status. This additional device is not made visible by default. It is required to use "Add device" in the Setup - Devices menu).

It could easily extended with other functions, however so far it gives me all I need for my home automation (eg ROOMBA is running while I am not at home).

The current version of the plugin supports multiple iRobot/Roomba devices (on the same network). The devices are created based on the config.ini file (see hereunder).

The plugin is based on MQTT (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MQTT).

Installation (linux)

Follow this procedure to install the plugin.

Install Domoticz plugin

Copy all the files in folder /home/pi/domoticz/plugin/Roomba. If the domoticz folder is not located in /home/pi, adapt also the folder references further in these instructions.

Install MQTT Broker (mosquitto)

  • Install the python paho-mqtt library with sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
  • Install mosquitto with sudo apt install mosquitto
  • It is adviced to change the mosquitto configuration file (by default in /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf)
    • persistence false
    • log_dest none
  • Start the service with `sudo service mosquitto start

Get the ROOMBA information

This chapter explains how to create the config.ini file that 1) is used to get the device status from the iRobots and 2) to identify the different devices in Domoticz.

!! Please see https://github.com/NickWaterton/Roomba980-Python for the last version of the instructions how to create the config.ini file.

  • Get the local IP address of your ROOMBA (often starting with 192.168.x.yyy and x=0 or 1). You can retrieve it from your router. Alternatively you can use tools like nmap (eg nmap -sP 192.168.0.*). The local IP address if furthere reference to as ROOMBA_IP.
  • Get the BLID/Password of the ROOMBA
    • Install the six python library with sudo pip3 install six
    • Go to the folder /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Roomba with cd /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Roomba/
    • run python3 ./roomba/getpassword.py -R ROOMBA_IP and follow the instructions. Shortly the vacuum cleaner must be docked and you need to HOLD the HOME button for some seconds until a sound is played (the WIFI indicator on the ROOMBA will flash). My last expercience generated an SSL error (DH_KEY_TOO_SMALL). Alternatively you can also use the command python3 ./roomba/password.py <login> <password> to get the username/blid and password from the iRobot cloud.
    • If all went well, there should be a config.ini file in the folder /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Roomba/. You can check the content with cat config.ini and will find the ROOMBA_IP, blid, password and some other data about the ROOMBA vaccum cleaner.

Create ROOMBA Client to get information and forward to MQTT Broker

roomba is a python3 module that acts as MQTT Client and forward the informaton to a MQTT Broker. It is based on Nick Waterton's work (https://github.com/NickWaterton/Roomba980-Python). It can be started manually by python3 roomba --topic /roomba/feedback/# --broker localhost --brokerFeedback /roomba/feedback --mapPath '' --mapSize '' --log '' from the folder /home/pi/domoticz/plugin/Roomba. The arguments have the following meaning:

  • --topic: information/topics subscribed from the ROOMBA
  • --broker: (IP)Address of the MQTT Broker/Server
  • --broker_feedback: information/topics from the ROOMBA sent to the MQTT Broker
  • --mappath: set to '' to avoid creating html files and disable map creation
  • --mapsize: set to '' to avoid creating html files and disable map creation
  • --log: set to '/tmp/roomba.log' to avoid creating log file on disk

It is possible to add more debug information by adding the argument --debug to the command line.

Create a service to start up the client automatically on boot of your domoticz server (stop the python script manually if it would have been started manually before):

  • Create a file /etc/systemd/system/roomba.service with the following content (be sure that the folder /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Roomba/roomba is already copied).
Description=Roomba mqtt client
After=network.target mosquitto.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Roomba/roomba --configfile /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Roomba/config.ini --topic /roomba/feedback/# --broker localhost --brokerFeedback /roomba/feedback --mapPath '' --mapSize '' --log ''

  • To start up the service at boot, execute sudo systemctl enable roomba
  • Start the service with sudo service roomba start
  • You can check if the service is correctly started with sudo service roomba status (should show active (running))

Add the device in Domoticz

Use the Setup - Hardware menu to add your ROOMBA to Domoticz. Select the device type Roomba and you are done. If all goes well two devices are created, one in the Switches (to start/stop) and one in the Utilities (status of the ROOMBA). Remark: there is no ROOMBA icon on the device showing the status. This is a restriction of Domoticz that does not allow to change the icon for a text device.

Updating from mqtt_Roomba.py to roomba module (linux)

When having installed the previous version of the plugin (service based on mqtt_Roomba.py), please follow the instuctions here:

  • Download the new files
  • Stop the service with sudo service roomba stop
  • Change the file /etc/systemd/system/roomba.service with the content specified in the chapter Create ROOMBA Client to get information and forward to MQTT Broker (only the Execstart changed)
  • Update the changes with the instruction sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Start the service with sudo service roomba start
  • Check the service is correcly running with sudo service roomba status


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