
Repository to reproduce analyses from the paper 'Human practices are behind the aquatic and terrestrial decoupling to climate change in tropical Andes' by Xavier Benito, Blas Benito, Maria I Velez, Jorge Salgado, Tobias Schneider, Liviu Giosan & Majoi Nascimento.

Numerical analyses use recent advances on nonlinear estimated rate of change, GAMs, and simulated lagged time-series to understand time-varying relationships based on assemblage-wide rate of change of aquatic, terrestrial and human datasets using Lake Llaviucu (Ecuador) as a model system.


The Rmd document shows the most relevant code used to reproduce analyses and generate outputs. See R files within the folder "scripts" for a more specific code. Please refer to the full manuscript for full interpretation and data and plots.

Repository structure

  1. R scripts: codes for running all the statistical analyses in a logical order
  2. Data: raw datasets (diatom sediment and training set abundances, lakes' environmental data, and geochemical proxies), and secondary data matrices resulting from primary statistical analyses in R scripts
  3. Figures: plots resulting from analyses in R scripts

Graphical abstract