
🔍 Twizzle Search — a program to find algs and scrambles for twisty puzzles

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Twizzle Search (twsearch)

A twisty puzzle search program to that can find algs and scrambles for WCA puzzles and a wide variety of other permutation puzzles. twsearch is inspired by KSolve and can handle the same puzzles, often with better performance or additional functionality.

Twizzle Search powers alg search and scramble functionality for Twizzle, and can be used from the commandline or as a library in many environments.

Twizzle Search is currently implemented in C++, and we are prototyping a version in Rust for easier use with WASM/JavaScript.

Project Goals

  1. Maintainability
  • We want twsearch to serve as a foundation for the cubing software ecosystem for a long time.
  • The project has multiple maintainers from the start, and we want to focus on a sustainable model for stewardship.
  1. Ease of use
  • Powerful APIs that are easy to get started with.
  • Can either be used directly, or as a library in other projects.
  • Ability to scale from mobile devices all the way to native binaries that can fully utilize high-end hardware.
  • Can be used on any website through cubing.js, either by running in the browser itself or optionally connecting to a computer.
  1. Performance
  • Great performance out of the box for a wide variety of puzzles.
  • Tunable optimizations for heavy-duty searches, including reusable prune tables for time-memory tradeoff.

Building and running the twsearch CLI

If you have a C++ toolchain on your computer, you can run:

# Check out and build the binary
git clone https://github.com/cubing/twsearch && cd twsearch
make build

# Run a search
./build/bin/twsearch samples/main/3x3x3.tws samples/main/tperm.scr

If you're on macOS, you can also use Homebrew to install the binary:

env HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --HEAD cubing/cubing/twsearch

On Windows, you can use the GCC toolchain with glibc to build it. We don't support MSVC as a standard build platform, but the following command with the 64-bit MSVC compiler will give an executable that works in single-threaded mode:

cl /o twsearch.exe /EHsc src\cpp\*.cpp src\cpp\cityhash\src\city.cc

Otherwise, you may find it easiest to work with the JSON-based web interface at https://experiments.cubing.net/cubing.js/twsearch/text-ui.html


Important options (you likely want to specify these):

-M # megabytes of memory to use max; should be ~ 1/2 of your RAM; defaults to 8192 (8GB).

-t # number of threads to use; defaults to the number of threads your CPU makes available.

--nowrite don't write pruning tables to disk (regenerate in memory each time).

Sample usage:

./build/bin/twsearch samples/main/3x3x3.tws samples/main/tperm.scr

./build/bin/twsearch -g samples/main/2x2x2.tws

./build/bin/twsearch -c 20 --moves 2L,2R,U,F samples/main/4x4x4.tws samples/main/flip.scr

./build/bin/twsearch --moves F,R,D,B,L --scramblealg U samples/main/3x3x3.tws

./build/bin/twsearch --moves U,R,F -q -g samples/main/kilominx.tws

The maximum memory setting should be used carefully; on a machine running Windows or OS-X with heavy browser usage and other programs, you may want to set it to only one quarter of your physical RAM. On a dedicated Linux or BSD machine, you can probably set it to 90% of your physical RAM. The memory size you set also sets the size of the pruning tables that are written to disk. Although they are compressed, the compression can vary from 1.1X to more than 30X, but in general the longer the pruning table takes to generate, the worse the compression. All pruning tables are written with extensions of .dat, so you might want to clean them up occasionally if you start to run out of disk space.

For a full list of options, just execute build/bin/twsearch with no arguments. These are the options as of this writing:


-A Try to find useful algorithms for a given puzzle. We look for algorithms that affect few pieces. The -A option can be immediately followed by s to mean strict (only print one solution of a given length with a given signature), 1 to mean basic algo search, 2 to mean find algos by repeated executions, and 3 to mean find commutators.

-a num Set the number of antipodes to print. The default is 20.

-C Show canonical sequence counts. The option can be followed immediately by a number of levels (e.g., -C20).

-c num Number of solutions to generate.

--cachedir dirname Use the specified directory to cache pruning tables.

--cancelseqs Read a set of move sequences on standard input and merge any nearly adjacent moves according to canonical sequences. This does not reorder moves so the result is canonical; it just cancels moves.

--checkbeforesolve Check each position for solvability using generating set before attempting to solve.

--compact Print and parse positions on standard input and output in a one-line compact format.

--describesets Print a table of what moves affect what pieces.

--distinguishall Override distinguishable pieces (use the superpuzzle).

-F When running God's number searches, force the use of arrays and sorting rather than canonical sequences or bit arrays.

-g Calculate the number of positions at each depth, as far as memory allows. Print antipodal positions.

-H Use 128-bit hash instead of full state for God's number searches.

-i Read a set of move sequences on standard input and echo the inverted sequences.

-M num Set maximum memory use in megabytes.

--maxdepth num Maximum depth for searches.

--maxwrong num Read a set of move sequences on standard input and for each, if the number of wrong pieces is less than or equal to the integer given, echo the number of wrong pieces and the input sequence.

--mergeseqs Read a set of move sequences on standard input and merge any nearly adjacent moves according to canonical sequences. This also reorders moves so the end result is a canonical sequence.

--microthreads num Use this many microthreads on each thread.

--mindepth num Minimum depth for searches.

--moves moves Restrict search to the given moves.

--newcanon num Use search-based canonical sequences to the given depth.

--nocenters Omit any puzzle sets with recognizable center names.

--nocorners Omit any puzzle sets with recognizable corner names.

--noearlysolutions Emit any solutions whose prefix is also a solution.

--noedges Omit any puzzle sets with recognizable edge names.

--noorientation Ignore orientations for all sets.

--nowrite Do not write pruning tables.

-o Read a set of move sequences on standard input and show the order of each.

--omit setname Omit the following set name from the puzzle. You can provide as many separate omit options, each with a separate set name, as you want.

--ordertree Print shortest sequences of a particular order of the superpuzzle.

--orientationgroup num Treat adjacent piece groups of this size as orientations.

-q Use only minimal (quarter) turns.

--quiet Eliminate extraneous output.

-R num Seed for random number generator.

-r num Show num random positions. The positions are generated by doing 500 random moves, so for big puzzles they might not be very random.

--randomstart Randomize move order when solving.

-S Test solves by doing increasingly long random sequences. An integer argument can be provided appended to the S (as in -S5) to indicate the number of random moves to apply at each step.

-s Read a set of move sequences on standard input and perform an optimal solve on each. If the option is given as -si, only look for improvements in total solution length.

--schreiersims Run the Schreier-Sims algorithm to calculate the state space size of the puzzle.

--scramblealg moveseq Give a scramble as a sequence of moves on the command line.

--shortenseqs Read a set of move sequences on standard input and attempt to shorten each by optimally solving increasingly longer subsequences.

--showmoves Read a set of move sequences on standard input and show the equivalent move definition on standard output.

--showpositions Read a set of move sequences on standard input and show the resulting position on standard output.

--showsymmetry Read a set of move sequences on standard input and show the symmetry order of each.

--startprunedepth num Initial depth for pruning tables (default is 3).

-T Run microbenchmark tests.

-t num Use this many threads.

-U Read a set of move sequences on standard input and only echo those that are unique with respect to symmetry. If an integer is attached to the -U option, exit after that many unique sequences have been seen.

-u Read a set of move sequences on standard input and only echo those that are unique. If an integer is attacheck to the -u option, exit after that many unique sequences have been seen.

--unrotateseqs Read a set of move sequences on standard input and attempt to move all rotations to the end of the sequence.

-v Increase verbosity level. If followed immediately by a digit, set that verbosity level.

--writeprunetables never|auto|always Specify when or if pruning tables should be written The default is auto, which writes only when the program thinks the pruning table will be faster to read than to regenerate.

Pruning Tables

The pruning tables are written to a system-dependent cache directory. On Unix, the default system directory is ~/.cache/, and on Apple platforms the default system directory is ~/Library/Caches/; on both of these platforms the default can be overrriden by setting the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable. On Windows, the default location is obtained from the LOCALAPPDATA environment variable.

Unless a directory is explicitly specified with the --cachedir option, a twsearch subdirectory will be created for the pruning tables.

In environment values and in the --cachedir option, a leading tilde will be expanded with the contents of the HOME environment variable.


What is working so far:

  • Parsing ksolve file
  • God's algorithm
  • Optimal solver for random positions
  • Canonical sequence data
  • Tree search using canonical sequences
  • Write pruning tables
  • Read pruning tables
  • Parse scramble file
  • Solve scramble positions
  • QTM solves/pruning tables
  • Symmetry reduction (except mirroring)

Things to do:

  • Add algebraic support for when reading scrambles
  • Add grip information; derive moves according to SiGN
  • Print antipodes on two-bit God's algorithm
  • Coset solvers

Things to consider:

  • Ignore pieces
  • Blocking moves

Rust implementation

This repo contains a pure Rust implementation of the core twsearch functionality. It does not support multi-threading yet.


cargo run --release -- search \
  --generator-moves "U,F,R" \
  --min-num-solutions 10 \
  samples/json/3x3x3/3x3x3-Reid.def.json \

cargo run --release -- gods-algorithm \
  --generator-moves U,F,R \

To get completions in your shell, install using one of:

  • brew install --HEAD cubing/cubing/twsearch
  • cargo install --path .; twsearch completions <your shell>


This repo also contains a Rust build that wraps the C++ implementation (in a single binary). This allows running a server to connect with web UIs:

cargo run --package twsearch-cpp-wrapper -- serve
// Now open https://experiments.cubing.net/cubing.js/twsearch/text-ui.html

To run commands similar to the examples above:

cargo run --package twsearch-cpp-wrapper -- search samples/main/3x3x3.tws samples/main/tperm.scr
cargo run --package twsearch-cpp-wrapper -- gods-algorithm samples/main/2x2x2.tws
cargo run --package twsearch-cpp-wrapper -- search --check-before-solve never --min-num-solutions 20 --generator-moves 2L,2R,U,F samples/main/4x4x4.tws samples/main/flip.scr
cargo run --package twsearch-cpp-wrapper -- search --generator-moves F,R,D,B,L --scramble-alg U samples/main/3x3x3.tws
cargo run --package twsearch-cpp-wrapper -- gods-algorithm --metric quantum --generator-moves U,R,F samples/main/kilominx.tws

To get completions in your shell, install using one of:

  • brew install --HEAD cubing/cubing/twsearch-cpp-wrapper
  • cargo install --path .; twsearch-cpp-wrapper completions <your shell>


This work is dual-licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 and GPL 3.0 (or any later version). If you use this work, you can choose either (or both) license terms to adhere to.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 OR GPL-3.0-or-later