Supports streams opened by FFmpeg's libavformat or Kodi's cURL such as plain TS, HLS and DASH (non-DRM) as well as many others. There is support for Archive/Catchup services where there is a replay window and can timeshift across that span. Also provides timeshift for live streams where rewind/pause and fast-forward would not have been available.
- alexliyu7352
- annoncescoquines0
- anxdpanicOntario, Canada
- arvvoid@l-d-t
- azureplus
- bohi123
- BUGProtectionAssociationBug Protection Association
- cbt3vil
- chandreshb
- Coool🇪🇺
- DendraspisGermany
- ECCx
- egorenar
- FoxtrotBB13
- Izz0ne206
- JackMai123
- jakeswisher
- Loading617Dentsville, SC
- melmorabityParis, France
- MihalczGaborEgyéni vállalkozó
- momoko2806
- NahomDemessie
- oleksisCanada
- palasinio
- ParzivaL3573
- regsebAix-en-Provence, France
- seanpm2001Self-employed; looking for tips
- SerhiyRomanovUkraine
- shamanNSRuma, Serbia
- tarasinlutskHome worker
- therealt3nzin
- Twilight0Home
- unforgiven512Unforgiven Development
- WilliamMajanja-zz@InfinityCollaborations @1nf15tr34m @PrismMonkey
- Zaurakius
- zoreu