
works on mac and my machine

Primary LanguageMakefile


A simple implementation of the classic Pong game using the SFML library

Pong Gameplay


This project showcases a boucing ball (representing the classic Pong ball) that moves around the screen and bounces off the edges. The game window has a resolution of 850x500 pixels.


  • SFML library: This game uses the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) for rendering and handling user input. Ensure you have SFML. Installed and set up correctly.

How to Run

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Compile the game using C++ compiler, ensuring you link against the necessary SFML libraries.

You can use: g++ -std=gnu++20 main.cpp
-lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
-o main && ./main 4. Run the compiled executable.

Code Overview

  • The game initializes a ball with a texture loaded from a local path.
  • The ball is set to move with a certain velocity in both the x and y directions.
  • The game loop checks for window close events and updates the ball's position.
  • If the ball reaches the edges of the window, it reverses its velocity to simulate a bounce.

Future Improvements

  • Add paddles for two players.
  • Implement scoring mechanism
  • Add sound effects for ball bounces.