Example Docker deployment of php-fpm + nginx / static server.
This is very simple example:
- for Docker php-fpm scalable app servers and nginx as load balancer / static server.
- for K8s php-fpm app server and nginx as FastCGI forwarder and static file server in one pod.
Sources and static files are on shared persistent volume accessible for all containers.
Shared storage is for example, in real world each container should have own files but sometimes silly thing happens.
This is not perfect setup, better result is possible with Nginx Plus or Traefik as load balancer, especially for Docker.
make && make docker-push
docker-compose up --detach --scale php-fpm=2
kubectl apply -f minikube-volume.yml
kubectl apply -f minikube-volume-claim.yml
kubectl apply -f minikube-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f minikube-service.yml
# copy app files (stupid version for example only)
kubectl apply -f minikube-dummy-storage.yml
kubectl cp app-files/index.txt dummy-storage:/mnt/app-data/
kubectl cp app-files/index.php dummy-storage:/mnt/app-data/
kubectl delete -f minikube-dummy-storage.yml
docker-compose up --detach --scale php-fpm=4
kubectl scale --replicas=4 -f minikube-deployment.yml
Static content:
curl -o - http://localhost:8080 # docker
curl -o - http://<your cluster ip>:8080 # minikube
Dynamic content:
curl -o - http://localhost:8080/index.php # docker
curl -o - http://<your cluster ip>:8080/index.php # minikube
Logs of load balancer:
docker-compose logs nginx-lb
# before display logs You must know pod name via command: kubectl get pods
kubectl logs web-app-deployment-<pod suffix> nginx
docker-compose down
kubectl delete -f minikube-service.yml
kubectl delete -f minikube-deployment.yml
kubectl delete -f minikube-volume-claim.yml
kubectl delete -f minikube-volume.yml
For minikube important is:
minikube ssh
andsudo mkdir /mnt/app-data
before deployminikube tunnel
because this allow forward external endpoint to cluster IP.