
Initial commit

Primary LanguageKotlin

Simple Hello REST API

This application is a simple app implements a REST api named 'hello'. Its mainly use in local (work with localhost). Once app is running the REST service is available at the url:


The service documentation is available here:



Build project

To build the project, simply execute:

./mvnw package

To dockerize the app

docker build -t xcesco/simple-hello:1.0.0 .

To do all togheter:

./mvnw package && docker build -t xcesco/simple-hello:1.0.0 .

App execution in container

After build docker image, just to run app in a container named simple-hello run:

docker run --name simple-hello -d -p 8080:8080 xcesco/simple-hello:1.0.0

API e documentazione

If everything goes ok, l'API and documentation urls are:

Dockerhub release

To publish:

docker push xcesco/simple-hello:1.0.0

To compile, dockerize and publish

./mvnw clean package && \
docker build -t xcesco/simple-hello:1.0.0 . && \
docker push xcesco/simple-hello:1.0.0