
Helm Chart Unit: helps to unit test rendering of your templates using policies

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Helm Chart Unit: helps to unit test rendering of your templates using policies

Usage as a Helm Plugin:

$> echo "install the latest version of the plugin"
$> helm plugin install https://github.com/xchapter7x/hcunit/releases/latest/download/hcunit_plugin.tgz
Installed plugin: unit

$> echo "you might have have to make the plugin binaries executable"
$> helm env | grep "HELM_PLUGIN" | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | awk -F\" '{print "chmod +x "$2"/hcunit_plugin/hcunit*"}' |sh

$> echo "lets run some tests of our templates' logic"
$> helm unit -t templates -c policy/values_toggle_on.yaml -p policy/testing_toggle_on.rego
PASS: data.main.expect["another passing case 123"]
PASS: data.main.expect["force passing"]
PASS: data.main.expect["another passing case"]
PASS: data.main.expect["force passing abc"]
[SUCCESS] Your Helm Chart complies with all policies!

$> echo "lets explore the available flags for the plugin call"
$> helm unit --help
  hcunit_osx [OPTIONS] eval [eval-OPTIONS]

given a OPA/Rego Policy one can evaluate if the rendered templates of a chart using a given values file meet the defined rules of the policy or not

Help Options:
  -h, --help           Show this help message

[eval command options]
      -t, --template=  path to yaml template you would like to render
      -c, --values=    path to values file you would like to use for rendering
      -p, --policy=    path to rego policies to evaluate against rendered templates
      -n, --namespace= policy namespace to query for rules
      -v, --verbose    prints tracing output to stdout

Usage as a Standalone CLI... Download Binaries


Notes on Syntax and Rego

Rego is a Policy Language for the Open Policy Agent eco system. We use rego here as our testing DSL. Any rego rule which is an assert or expect will get executed and must evaluated to true. The gist is that everything between the {} is a rule. Everything between {} should evaluate to true. Assignments yield true, and if any statement in the {} block is false then the entire rule will return false and therfore fail our test case.

For more information you can try: https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/#rego


for a Online playground: https://play.openpolicyagent.org/


-> % hcunit --help
  hcunit [OPTIONS] <eval | render | version>

Help Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message

Available commands:
  eval     evaluate a policy on a chart + values
  render   Render a template yaml
  version  display version info

Sample usage

000@000-000 [00:00:00] [helm-charts/concourse] [master *]
-> % cat policy/testing.rego
       │ File: policy/testing.rego
   1   │ package main
   2   │
   3   │ assert ["this should always be true b/c its true"] {
   4   │   true
   5   │ }
   6   │
   7   │ assert ["when web is enabled then namespace is toggled on"] {
   8   |     "true" == input["values"].web.enabled
   9   │     "Namespace" == input["namespace.yaml"].kind
   10  │ }

000@000-000 [00:00:00] [helm-charts/concourse] [master *]
-> % hcunit eval -t templates/ -c values.yaml -p policy/testing.rego
PASS: data.main.assert["this should always be true b/c its true"]
PASS: data.main.assert["when web is enabled then namespace is toggled on"]
[SUCCESS] Your Helm Chart complies with all policies!

000@000-000 [00:00:00] [helm-charts/concourse] [master *]
-> % cat policy/testing_fail.rego
       │ File: policy/testing_fail.rego
   1   │ package main
   2   │
   3   │ assert ["this should always be true b/c its true"] {
   4   │   false
   5   │ }
   6   │
   7   │ assert ["when web is enabled then namespace is toggled on"] {
   8   |     "true" == input["values"].web.enabled
   9   │     "NamespaceWrongKind" == input["namespace.yaml"].kind
   10  │ }

000@000-000 [00:00:00] [helm-charts/concourse] [master *]
-> % hcunit eval -t templates/ -c values.yaml -p policy/testing_fail.rego
FAIL: data.main.assert["this should always be true b/c its true"]
FAIL: data.main.assert["when web is enabled then namespace is toggled on"]
[FAILURE] Policy violations found on the Helm Chart!

About hcunit

  • Uses OPA and Rego to evaluate the yaml to see if it meets your expectations
  • By convention hcunit will run any rules in your given rego file or recursively in a given directory as long as that rule takes the form assert ["some behavior"] { ... } or expect ["some other behavior"] { ... } .
  • using variables or duplicate values in the hash for your tests is prohibited by hcunit. Reason being duplicate hashes opens up the potential for inconsistent/confusing results.
  • Your policy rules will have access to a input object. This object will be a hashmap of your rendered templates, with the hash being the filename, and the value being an object representation of the rendered yaml. It will also contain a hash for the NOTES file, which will be a string.
  • uses helm's packages to render the templates so, it should yield identical output as the helm template command
  • supports multiple values.yml file inputs, does not yet support values set as flags in the cli call.