- 好棒棒 AWS 資源
- Collect some projects for Amazom web services,
except official resource. - Too many star projects, I need another project to record these star projects. XD
- https://www.kilait.com/
- clifflu 又架 blog 了 O.o/
- 第二十四個夏天後
- Mr. 沙先生
- World is Interesting
- Jex’s Note
- AWS那些事
- awsok <<< 東摳摳西摳摳
- Idan Bean 種豆得瓜
- 小信豬的原始部落
- Rammus
- Thinking, Coding, and Learning.
- 超猴崽工作日誌
- 台灣的Web工程師
- Complete Think
- aws-spot-bot
- Tool for finding and launching the cheapest and most reliable AWS spot instances.
- kubernetes-ec2-autoscaler
- A batch-optimized scaling manager for Kubernetes
- aws-ec2-ssh
- Manage AWS EC2 SSH access with IAM
- elastic-load-balancing-tools
- Classic load balancer to Application load balancer copy utility - 協助遷移 load balancer .
- beeswithmachineguns
- A utility for arming (creating) many bees (micro EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications). http://apps.chicagotribune.com/ - 小蜜蜂機關槍 XD, benchmark 的.
- New Network Load Balancer – Effortless Scaling to Millions of Requests per Second
- Benchmarking with Bees with Machine Guns
- 手把手教你快速部署流量压测工具 – Bees with Machine Guns - 因為 Siege, JMeter 這些工具都是從同一個 IP 位址發送請求, 無法很真實的模擬實際狀況.
- kubernetes-ec2-autoscaler
- A batch-optimized scaling manager for Kubernetes
- fluent-plugin-rds-slowlog
- Working with MySQL Database Log Files / aws documentation
- (shinsaka/fluent-plugin-rds-log)[https://github.com/shinsaka/fluent-plugin-rds-log]
- Amazon Web Services RDS(MySQL) general_log and slow_log input plugin.
- ottertune
- The automatic DBMS configuration tool
- Tuning Your DBMS Automatically with Machine Learning
- Automatic Database Management System Tuning Through Large-scale Machine Learning - 用機器學習優化資料庫, 酷!!
- dynamic-dynamodb
- Dynamic DynamoDB provides auto scaling for AWS DynamoDB http://dynamic-dynamodb.readthedocs.org/
- 姊夫爸專文介紹 Auto Scale DynamoDB With Dynamic DynamoDB
- BUT ==> Update (2017): DynamoDB now supports auto scaling out of the box! Check out my new blog post or read the new documentation.
- Local Amazon DynamoDB - tools, dump/restore and testing
- AWS-DynamoDB-to-MongoDB
- dynamo-archive Archive and Restore DynamoDB Tables, from Command Line
- DynamoDBtoCSV Dump DynamoDB data into a CSV file
- dynamodb_utils A toolchain for Amazon's DynamoDB to make common operations (backup, restore backups) easier.
- dynamodump Simple backup and restore for Amazon DynamoDB using boto
- quickstart-mongodb
- MongoDB on the AWS Cloud
- https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/AWS_NoSQL_MongoDB.pdf - 這樣會比 DynamoDB 好用嗎?
- phpmemcacheadmin
- Memcached server admin in php for monitoring and debugging
- redis-rdb-tools
- Parse Redis dump.rdb files, Analyze Memory, and Export Data to JSON
- From 1.5 GB to 50 MB: The Story of my Redis Database
- redis-stat
- A real-time Redis monitoring tool
- Learn how to use AWS Lambda to easily create infinitely scalable web services - 不錯的 lambda
- pack Tensorflow in to a Lambda.
- https://github.com/ryfeus/lambda-packs/tree/master/Pyrestest_wrk
- https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/6142fy/load_testing_using_aws_lambda/
- load testing with WRK and pyresttest.
- bench-rest
- A toolkit for developing and deploying serverless Python code in AWS Lambda.
- Run headless Chrome on AWS Lambda
- Provide the scaffolding for using Headless Chrome during a serverless function invocation. - 這樣 Lambda 可跑 Chrome 螢幕截取或 print PDF了
- Image Recognition and Processing Backend reference architecture.
- Using AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Rekognition.
- Learn how to use AWS Lambda to easily create infinitely scalable web services
- Serverless Status Page System
- Stable and secure local docker development environment for AWS Users https://lambda-linux.io/
- It provides a stable and secure local docker development environment.
- Various popular python libraries, pre-compiled to be compatible with AWS Lambda
- https://blog.zappa.io/ - 想上次找 mysql package, 原先在用的 MySQLdb trouble, 後來改用 PyMySQL.
- Problems using MySQL with AWS Lambda in Python
- Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment - 要怎樣在 local , debug Lambda 呢? 試試用 docker.
- A continuous integration system built on AWS Lambda
- Introducing LambCI — a serverless build system
- An AWS Lambda function in Scala reading events from Amazon Kinesis and writing event counts to DynamoDB http://snowplowanalytics.com
- Demo of approaches to config management for AWS Lambda
- Step Functions state machine generator for AWS Lambda Power Tuning
- Lambda cheatsheet.
- setup-ipsec-vpn
- Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP and Cisco IPsec on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS
- s3-lambda
- Lambda functions over S3 objects with concurrency control (forEach, map, reduce, filter)
- DragonDisk
- File manager for Amazon S3
- Amazon S3 Tools
- S3cmd : Command Line S3 Client and Backup for Linux and Mac
- vue-s3-dropzone
- Vue.js component works with AWS S3 serverlessly - 用 AWs Lambda 實現的 S3 uploader
- aws-s3-virusscan
- Free Antivirus for S3 Buckets
- JetS3t
- An open source Java toolkit for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, and Google Storage Service
- http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html
- http://www.jets3t.org/
- S3 Browser
- s3-pit-restore
- https://labs.madisoft.it/amazon-s3-point-in-time-restore/
- A point in time restore tool for Amazon S3.
- bucket-stream
- Find interesting Amazon S3 Buckets by watching certificate transparency logs - 呵 呵 呵
- S3 bucket enumerator - 嘿 嘿 嘿
- redshift-r
- Small R package for accessing Redshift
- ecs-watchbot
- Library to help run a highly-scalable AWS service.
- ecs-cfn-refarch
- Amazon ECS reference architecture - 先收下, XD. - 在AWS使用ECS Windows container. 一鍵自動生成 ECS Windows Container 環境,利用 Lambda+custom resource 查詢最新的 AMI ID 帶給ASG+LC 起 Spot instance 註冊到 ECS Cluste 然後起 ECS Service 掛上ALB.
- ecs-host-service-scale
- Extending ECS Auto-scaling for under $2/month with Lambda
- http://www.miketheman.net/2017/01/09/extending-ecs-auto-scaling-for-under-2month-with-lambda/
- awless
- The Mighty CLI for AWS
- awslogs
- AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans.
- cloudwatch-logs-subscription-consumer
- A specialized Amazon Kinesis stream reader.
- Help you deliver data from Amazon CloudWatch Logs to any other system in near real-time using a CloudWatch Logs Subscription Filter.
- axibase-collector - AWS job
- Collect data from the Amazon Web Services CloudWatch service and store it in the Axibase Time Series Database for long-term retention, reporting, and analytics.
- cloudwatch-librato
- Fetch AWS CloudWatch metrics and submit to Librato Metrics
- cloudviz
- Makes nice graphs of Amazon CloudWatch data using Google Chart Tools
- cloudgrapher
- One page visualization tool for AWS CloudFormation scripts http://dmgress.github.io/cloudgrapher/
- cloudwatch-elk
- AWS CloudWatch Logs to ELK
- startup-kit-templates
- CloudFormation templates for setting up a startup's well-architected infrastructure on AWS.
- aws-cf-templates
- Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation
- ptolemy
- Write terse AWS DMS table mappings.
- aws_configurer
- Configure AWS accounts for CloudTrail, Root Account Usage Monitor. - 雖然已搞定還是記上一筆ㄡ一筆
- CloudTrailViewer
- Java desktop tool for viewing AWS CloudTrail log files - cloudtrail 的 log, 要如何找呢?
- kinesalite
- An implementation of Amazon's Kinesis built on LevelDB
- LevelDB, https://github.com/google/leveldb, https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/LevelDB
- SampleBatchProcessing
- Sample Implementation of Batch Processing on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Samplebatchprocessing
- aws-health-tools
- The samples provided in AWS Health Tools can help users to build automation and customized alerting in response to AWS Health events.
- PHD 的東西原只能在登入 console 時才能看得到, 有點被動.
- Customized alerts in response to AWS Health events.
- AWS status: The complete guide to monitoring status on the web’s largest cloud provider
- 有時 AWS 的 status page 也不牢靠, 怎辦勒??!! 試試這個作者的一些建議
- AWS release aws-health-tool for Personal Health Dashboard (PHD)
- AWS outage? Datadog alerts you
- DataDog 的作法, 雖然沒在用 DataDog.
- Monitoring AWS Health Events with Amazon CloudWatch Events
- Trusted-Advisor-Tools
- The sample functions provided help to automate AWS Trusted Advisor best practices using Amazon Cloudwatch events and AWS Lambda.
- AWS Usage Tool
- Ice provides a birds-eye view of our large and complex cloud landscape from a usage and cost perspective.
- Botmetric
- Integrated AWS Cloud Management Platform
- skew
- A package for identifying and enumerating cloud resources.
- Ref. How to programmatically list all aws resources and tags
- og-aws
- Amazon Web Services — a practical guide
- archon
- Open source tool for cluster creation and daily operations.
- the cloudyr project
- Making R Cloudier!
- https://cloudyr.github.io/
- 在 R code 裡 access aws resource. 會不會就是重新包裝了 aws cli
- chrome-aws-api-debugger - AWS API debugger, 不知還行不行.
- aws-sdk-mock
- AWSomocks for Javascript/Node.js aws-sdk tested, documented & maintained. Contributions welcome!
- amnigos/CloudWatch
- This is an initiative to create browser based measurement of Amazon EC2 latency for all different regions. - aws 各 region 幾個 service 的
- awspec
- RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
- AWSCloudLab
- AWS Cloud Lab is aims to facilitate educators using AWS in their teaching.
- git-secrets - aws 祕密武器
- ecs-refarch-continuous-deployment
- ECS Reference Architecture for creating a flexible and scalable deployment pipeline to Amazon ECS using AWS CodePipeline
- ecs-refarch-service-discovery
- An EC2 Container Service Reference Architecture for providing Service Discovery to containers using CloudWatch Events, Lambda and Route 53 private hosted zones.
- ecs-refarch-batch-processing
- A reference architecture for handling batch processing workloads using Amazon ECS.
- ecs-refarch-cloudformation
- A reference architecture for deploying containerized microservices with Amazon ECS and AWS CloudFormation (YAML)
- ecs-refarch-continuous-deployment
- ECS Reference Architecture for creating a flexible and scalable deployment pipeline to Amazon ECS using AWS CodePipeline
- eb-python-flask
- Simple Python and Flask sample application from AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide
- lambda-refarch-imagerecognition
- Image Recognition and Processing Backend reference architecture
- lambda-refarch-fileprocessing
- Serverless Reference Architecture for Real-time File Processing
- 無伺服器參考架構:即時檔案處理
- flask-ask
- Alexa Skills Kit for Python
- AWSCurriculums
- Curriculums for learning AWS, notably for the Developer or Solutions Architect certifications
- Jayendra's Blog - 蠻多人推薦的神筆記
- CDA_resource
- 有一些 sampel question - AWS Solutions Architect
- mock test
- GoDeeper
- AWS p2.xlarge GPU optimized deep learning cluster-grenade.
- deeplearning-cfn
- CFN cluster for DeepLearning AMIs.
- ecs-deep-learning-workshop
- Material for re:Invent 2016 - CON314 - Workshop: Deploy a Deep Learning Framework on Amazon ECS