
fork of irc.c from c9x.me/irc by mpu

Primary LanguageC

IRC client                               http://c9x.me/irc/

This is a simple irc client, it requires the ncurses
library to compile.

For usage information, read ./irc -h

- TLS support using relayd

This sets up a relay TCP connection on localhost. This
way you can connect using a more secure TLS connection
with a IRC program that doesn't have TLS support builtin.


	table <freenode> { irc.freenode.net }
	table <oftc> { irc.oftc.net }

	protocol "irctls" {
		tcp { nodelay, sack }

	relay "freenode" {
		listen on port 6668
		protocol "irctls"
		forward with tls to <freenode> port 6697

	relay "oftc" {
		listen on port 6669
		protocol "irctls"
		forward with tls to <oftc> port 6697

Then connect:

	./irc -n nick -u name -s -p 6668
	./irc -n nick -u name -s -p 6669