
A framework built on top of react hooks

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Another library for the state management in React and React Native. It can be used to replace React Hooks APIs. It can also be used together with React Hooks API, or calls any other library which depends on React Hooks API.


  1. Automatically track the dependency between views and states, and only update the views depending on the changed state values.
  2. Unify local state and global state management. So, don't need useContext or wrap the component with Provider anymore. (rt-state has its own provider, call provider.use() to get data from parent or create global state, and share between different components.)
  3. Fine granularity of controlling when and how to update the view with watch/link functions.
  4. An optimized state function for long Array.
  5. React Hooks API integration. React Hooks API Calls can be wrapped by hooks within the setup function.


In react, there are class-based components and function-based components. In most cases, function components in react can be thought of very simply. However, Hooks API has mental burden, especially for new learners. Also, because there is no state within the function, we have to repeatedly initialize the state and even redefine local functions again and again before each re-rendering.

Another issue is if we create a state in a root component, and use it in its children, when one of its children updates the state value, the whole root component will be re-rendered. There are many ways to optimize it.

  • use React.memo or useMemo. However, React.memo is not default for each component.
  • even when React.memo is used, it is still not easy to optimize. For example, if you use a callback function as one of its parameters, the reference of the callback would be changed during each re-rendering of its parent component. So, you might need useCallback for callback and use useRef for caching local data. But useCallback needs a dependency list. Then you will be struggling to set the dependency list. As the project becomes large, such kind of code could be problematic, and hard to maintain.

I need a library, with which I can use function components happily!


In rt-state, it uses create function to create components, which takes a setup callback function as its parameter. The setup function is used to initialize states with state/stateS/stateArray, or call watch/link functions, or even create any local variables and user defined functions. Then, it returns a render function. The returned render function is used for re-rendering the component afterward.

As you see, rt-state creates variables within the closure of setup callback. So, all the variables are accessible to the render function. We don't have to redefine the local data or callback functions repeatedly, because the closure can keep the references of data or functions be the same as before. Now, you don't have to use useCallback or useRef anymore. Just use the local variables and local functions directly.

Next question is how and when to update the components when data changes. The solution is use reactive data. reactive means when its value changes, it will trigger an update of whatever depending on it. rt-state is able to track the dependency between data and views automatically. When the data changes, rt-state only updates those components which depend on the data. So, the data is a reactive version of any local or global variables. In rt-state, such kind of data can be created by state/stateS/stateLongArray functions.

To sum up, the final solution is:

  • use closure to keep the reference of data and function.
  • use reactive data to trigger the update of the components when needed. the reactive feature is implemented by javascript Proxy API.

How to Use

npm i rt-state@latest -S
    const Demo = create<{ name: string }>((ctx) => {
        const data = state({ num: 666 });
        const addOne = () => data.num++;
        return (props) => {
            return (
                        {props.name} {data.num}
                    <button onClick={addOne}>addOne</button>

render(<Demo name={'demo'} />, document.getElementById('root'));

More examples of code can be found in /src/demo. or see demo.

rt-state Core APIs

It contains state, create, watch and hooks integration APIs. All APIs are only-once functions, which means they can not be called in the render function.

They should be used in two ways:

  • Use them Globally, such as creating components with create/createS functions or creating global reactive data with state function or use watch function out of any components to watch global shared states.
  • Use them within a setup function which is the parameter of the create function.

state APIs

These APIs are used to create reactive data.

state is used for watching any field value changes within an object, while, stateS is used for watching its own value change, commonly for primitive variables like number or string.

However, both are reactive only when the reference of value changes, and just watch the field values of the data, which is quite straightforward and simple.

Anyway, if you are desperate for all field values within a nested object to be reactive recursively, you can just wrap the value with another state/stateS functions. But it is unnecessary for most cases. Here is an example.

  const data = state({ v: state({ v: state({ v: 666 }) }) });

To use state/stateS in React functional component, please use useRState/useRStateS, and in order to make the dom reactive, you should use rst.view to wrap the dom.

  • state

    The variable returned by state is a reactive object, which contains several fields. Each field is reactive. For example, data.v = 666 will trigger an update of the state dependants. WARNING: data = newValue will not trigger an update. So, keep in mind that only the fields are reactive, the data itself is not reactive. If you want to watch the data itself. Please use stateS function.

    Besides, the field of the field is not reactive as well. It means that line 2 of the following code will not update its dependants. Because the reference of data.v is the same as before.

    const data = state({v: {v1: 1, v2: 2}});
    data.v.v1 = 3; // This will not trigger an update of its dependants.
    data.v = {...data.v}; // Here, it will update its dependants. Because the reference of data.v has been changed.
    const content = extract(data); // `content` contains all fields of data.

    So, in this case, if you want to trigger an update, you need change the reference by {...value} for object, or [...value] for array.

    Use it in React.FC, call useRState.

  • stateS

    stateS is just a shorthand of state({value: anything}). So, stateS returns an object which only contains one field: value.

    Here, anything means anything. It includes non-object types like number, string, or array. It could also be used for object or even another state.

    stateS is used for watching the reference change of anything itself. There is no way in javascript to listen to such kind of change, so, I wrap the data into the value field of an object. When you want to trigger an update of anything's dependants, you have to change the value field of the wrapped object. Here is an example.

    const data = stateS(100);
    data.value = 101; // This will trigger an update of data's dependants.
    data.forceUpdate(); // This line can also trigger an update of data's dependants.

    Use it in React.FC, call useRStateS.

  • stateLongArray

    An optimized version for long array. Don't use it unless you could understand why you need it!

    we can use stateS for array. For most cases, it is efficient enough. But there is a small issue. That is when you update one item value within the array, you have to create a new reference of the array by [...oldArr] in order to trigger an update. However, such kind of operation would trigger an update for all children of the root component. If all its children are created by create function. It is not bad, because React.memo will compare the new props with the old ones, and won't update the view if the props are not changed. But here is the problem:

    • Such comparison for child component prop values will always happen, and it is not efficient if there are many children within the root component like a long array.

    • It becomes even worse if some components are neither created by create function, nor by React.memo/pure components. In these cases, such kind of components will be re-rendered from top to bottom.

    So, the solution is that we can create a data structure which can only trigger an update for each item, not for the whole array at all. stateLongArray is implemented by two levels of data created by stateS. In this way, each item is able to watch the value change of its own.

create APIs

  • create

    use React.memo by default, which means if the props of the component don't change, the component created by create function will not be re-rendered externally. Therefore, it's very efficient.

    Of course, the component can be controlled and updated with the data created by state/stateS function. For example, a value change of such kind of data may trigger an update of its dependants. The dependants could be components, or the callback of watch/link functions.

  • createS

    A simplified version of create function to create reactive components.

    There is no setup function, just a render function. If you want to create local states, please use rst.useRState/rst.useRStateS instead of rst.state/rst.stateS. Besides, it is reactive for the external states when they are used in the render function.

watch APIs

  • watch

    watch the state* value changes the deps function. And call cb function according to the options. -- see WatchOptions.

    Tip: If you want to call a function when the component is unmounted. Please use the onDispose function of Context.

  • link

    link is a pair of getter and setter function.

    • getter function: it returns a value which will be computed and cached in the link. So, if all the state* in it don't change, the value will not be computed again.

    • setter function: any function for updating the state*.

    • options:

      • compare:

        -- If true, means conditionally update the link value, and only update its dependants when the value changes.

        -- If false, always update the link value, and update its dependants (could be a component or a watch/link function).

        -- The default value is true.

      • global:

        -- If true, means this link function is out of any components, it is often used for sharing link value globally between different components.

React Hooks Integration API

  • hooks

    It should only be used when you have to the functionality of another library which depends on React Hooks APIs and there is no way for you to avoid it. So, IMPORTANT, use it as less as possible.

    • The callback function will be called again and again before rendering the component.
    • don't use it in render function. Just call hooks in the setup closure of create function.

Other APIs or Interfaces


debugName: string // for debugging

active: boolean // if the component is unmounted, active is false. which is useful for async function call to check whether the current component is unmounted or not.

props: T; // used as the props parameter of the render function.

defaultProps: DefaultProps; // set defaultProps in the beginning of the setup function which can then be used as the default property values of the component.

w(): T; // used for watching the props of the current component in the returned array of the watch deps function. eg. [ctx.w().prop1]

onDispose(): // add cb functions which is called when the component is about to be unmounted.

forceUpdate(): // force to update the component


active is useful after an async callback function in order to check whether the current watch is active or not.

debugName: string // for debugging

unwatch, do some cleanup tasks and turn its state to inactive.


compare: compare new values with old values, if they are the same, don't call the callback function, otherwise, call it. * The default value is true, which means always do comparison. * If compare is false, don't compare two values, just call the callback function directly.

global: call watch/link function outside of the setup callback function of any component. * often used for debugging, or global watch function, which watches other global reactive data or global variables.

  • Create Provider which can be used as the parameter of create, and use provider.use() in the setup function to get the data from parent.
  • Just for debugging.


MIT © xvv