This tool takes the hassle out of manually sorting your downloads folder, or any other folder you tend to just throw files into. It will move files that fall under a category to a specified subfolder. It will also auto-unzip any zipped files for you. So you can assign a bulk set of image extensions, and any time the script sees one in your monitored folder, it will move it to your "Images" folder. Eg: photo.jpg > Photos folder\photo.jpg. ZipFile.7z > ZipFile\ZipFileContents*.*
Fully customizable to suit your needs!
- Download and install 7zip or easy-7Zip (
- Download and install AutoHotKey (
- Open the .ahk file in a text editor.
- Change the "MonitoredFolder" value near the top of the script to point to the folder that you want to be monitored for changes.
- Change "UnzipTo" value to point to where you want zip files to be unzipped to.
- Change "HowOftenToScanInSeconds" To how often it should check if anything within the folder has changed.
- Change the "7ZipLocation" to point to where your 7zip's 7z.exe is.
- Under the "Destination folders" section, you can change where files that match a specific file type will be placed. Eg MoveImagesTo = %MonitoredFolder%\Images
- Starting on Line 27, add in the file extension to the list of file extensions on the PushFiletypeToArray command. Eg. "jpeg" and use a comma to seperate the entries.
- Copy and paste this onto a new line just after the last one on line 32, and adjust the file types within the [ ] brackets, and label what folder they go into at the end to what you'd like to use.
PushFiletypeToArray(FiletypeObjectArray,["exe","msi","cmd"], "FolderNameGoesHere")