
A hotkey to quickly swap the monitor to portrait mode and back again.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

Monitor Portrait Mode Hotkey


Simply lets you swap your monitor between portrait and regular mode with the press of a button. By default it is CTRL+ALT+WIN+RightArrowKey

Initial Setup

  1. Download and install AutohotKey (https://www.autohotkey.com/download/)
  2. Make sure you downloaded Display.exe along with the .ahk file.
  3. Run the .ahk file
  4. Press CTRL+ALT+WIN+RightArrowKey to flip the monitor to portrait mode. Press again to return to normal.

Note: You can also use the tray icon by right-clicking on it and clicking "Rotate the display"


  1. You can change the display to flip upside down, or rotate left instead by changing the "/rotate:90" to "/rotate:180" or "/rotate:270"


Display.exe © Noeld - http://noeld.com/programs.asp#Display