
MyNotes is a simple web-app for note-taking using Laravel. The system's function flow is like a Google Keep

Primary LanguagePHP


About MyNotes

MyNotes is a simple web-app for note-taking using Laravel. The system's function flow is like a Google Keep

  • Uses Multi-Authentication
  • Admin and User Dashboard
  • Email Verification, and Password Reset
  • Tags, Archives and Trash controls

Clone and Run on Local Machine

  1. Run git clone <noteapp-url> or manually download the zip project
  2. Run composer install
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run build
  5. Make a duplicate of .env.example file using cp .env.example .env and set the values according to your preference/local machine values.
  6. Generate an app key using php artisan key:generate
  7. Migrate a database using php artisan migrate
  8. Run php artisan serve and open the generated url on your preferred browser
  • Create a link of storage folder to public folder using php artisan storage:link
  • Run database seeder using the command php artisan db:seed
