
Meet your free Telegram-cloud with no limit in storage !

Primary LanguagePython


Use Telegram-servers as free "CLOUD-STORAGE-SERVER" !


Ogram split a file >= 19MB, in multiples chunks and send it throught the Telegram-bot. All the links of the running project :


  • Python (3.x recommended)
  • Pip3
  • You need to have an account on Telegram

How to install

  • Go to https://t.me/omega_gram_bot(Or create your own bot with Botfather)
  • Start the bot by hitting the START button or just write /start and then ENTER, you will get in response, your chat_id, you will use it with requests to ogram API to send files..
  • Mute notification of the bot (Optionnal but recommended, to notreceive notifications for each chunk you're sending)
  • Go to your Telegram Settings > Advanced > Automatic media download and deactive it, that will prevent telegram to automatically download a chunk of a file you're uploading ! .
  • Update your example.cofig.txt file to config.txt and provide a valid token if you're using you're personnal bot.

How to launch

  • After creating your Virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • The Ogram Telegram-bot is on another repo OgramBot You need to start the bot First, you can use this command :
python -m app.bot.main
  • You need to start the rest-api of Ogram on a new terminal too :
python -m app.server.main

How to contribute

  • Create an issue with your feature/improvement (Optionnal but recommended).
  • Fork the project.
  • Create a branch for your feature/update/fix(Make sure to have the latest master-branch updates).
  • Create a Pull Request to develop branch.
  • After a check, it will be verify and merge to the project.

NB: Because, it's on a Beta version, I have limited the upload-size to 100MB as a limit for the APi for tests per uploads for now!


  • Sanix-darker