
A board game engine implemented in Java. Follow MVC architecture and good practices in SOLID principles and design patterns.

Primary LanguageJava

Board Game Engine

Board Game Engine realizes the development of full interface and construction of MVC architecture mode.

Using this engine, you could easily develop board games that comply with the MVC architecture.

Due to the scalability of the interface design, game rendering can be easily expanded from the terminal to the desktop or web page.

Core Features

  • MVC Framework
  • Good Practice in SOLID Principle
  • Dependency Injection
  • Implement Design Patterns to a high standard
  • Unit Test

Interface Design



Implementing this engine implements a classic tabletop game: Nine Men's Morris


Getting Start

Clean Example Class File:

> mvn clean

After using the engine to write the board game you want to implement, re-compile:

> mvn install

Open Terminal to run .jar file



1. Board

Board API Description
Method void placeToken(Token token, Coordinate coordinate) Players can place token on the board
Method void moveToken(Coordinate from, Coordinate to) Players can move token on the board
Method void removeToken(Player player, Coordinate coordinate) Players can remove one token from the board
Method void flyToken(Coordinate from, Coordinate to) Players can fly one token on the board
Method Boolean checkPositionValid(Coordinate coordinate) Check whether the Coordinate is within the allowed range of the chessboard
Method Boolean checkMoveValid(Coordinate from, Coordinate to) Check whether the Move operation is in compliance with the rules
Method Boolean checkRemoveValid(Player player, Coordinate coordinate) Check whether the removed token belong to different players
Method Boolean checkPositionIsEmpty(Coordinate coordinate) Check position is empty or not
Method Integer parsePosition(Coordinate coordinate) Map the Integer corresponding to Coordinate according to the properties file
Method Position getOnePositionFromBoard(Coordinate coordinate) Get one position from the board
Method Position[] getAllPositionsFromBoard() Get all positions

2. Command

Command API Description
Method Boolean execute(Player player, Board board) A set of functions with execution
Method Boolean execute() A set of functions with execution
Method void init(Game game) A set of functions with initialization
Method void init(Player player) A set of functions with initialization
Method void init(Board board) A set of functions with initialization
Method void init(Game game, Player player) A set of functions with initialization
Method void init(Board board, Player player) A set of functions with initialization
Method void init(Game game, Board board) A set of functions with initialization
Method void init(Game game, Player player, Board board) A set of functions with initialization
Method CommandType getCommandType() What type of Command is used to return at this time
Method void initMoveStrategy(MoveStrategy moveStrategy) initialize move strategy

3. Game

Game API Description
Method void run() Game Start
Method void quit() Quit
Method void quitForWin(Player winner) Quit for winning, with the winner's information
Method void build(GameModel gameModel) Build the Game model, initializing it with a GameModel

4. MoveStrategy

MoveStrategy API Description
Method Boolean executeStrategy(Player player, Board board) Run a specific strategy and return success criteria
Method void initDescription(Player player) Initialize strategy description with a player reference

5. Player

Player API Description
Method Command play() Play the game and return a Command object
Method void setStateManager(PlayerModel playerModel) Set the state manager for the player with a PlayerModel
Method Integer getUid() Get the unique identifier (UID) of the player
Method Token getOneToken() Get one token from the player
Method String getPlayerName() Get the name of the player
Method PlayerStateEnum getPlayerState() Get the current state of the player
Method Integer requestOneIntegerInput() The player returns a number according to the prompt
Method Integer[] requestIntegersInput() The player returns a list of numbers according to the prompt

6. Pollable

Pollable API Description
Method CommandType poll(View view) Get the command type from the view
Method Command fillCommand(Command command) Fill the given command with the command type

7. Turn

Turn API Description
Method Command runTurn() Run the turn and return a Command that represents the turn's action
Method Command continueRun() Continue running the turn after the initial run and return a Command
Method Command refillCommand(Command command) When an invalid command is received, refill and return a command of the same type
Method Pollable getPollableInstance() Get the instance of Pollable that is currently in use
Method void switchPollableObject() Switch the current Pollable object with another
Method void registerPollableObject(Pollable pollable) Register a new Pollable object to be used

8. Trigger

Trigger API Description
Method void initializeTrigger() Initialize triggers and rules in various ways.
Method Boolean getTriggerNodeState(Integer index) Return the state of the trigger node at a given index.

9. BoardModel

BoardModel API Description
Method Position selectOnePosition(int index) Pass an index to retrieve a Position object reference.
Method Position[] selectAllPositions() Get all the Position information as an array.
Method Token selectOneTokenByPosition(int index) Pass an index to retrieve a Token object reference from position.
Method void addOneTokenIntoPosition(Token token, int index) Add a Token to the corresponding Position using an index.
Method Token removeOneTokenByPosition(int index) Remove and return a Token from the corresponding Position.

10. Coordinate

Coordinate API Description
Method Integer getX() Get the x-coordinate value.
Method Integer getY() Get the y-coordinate value.
Method void setX(Integer x) Set the x-coordinate to a new value.
Method void setY(Integer y) Set the y-coordinate to a new value.

11. GameModel

GameModel API Description
Method void setTurn(Turn turn) Setter for the Turn manager.
Method Turn getTurn() Getter for the Turn manager.
Method void setPlayers(Player... players) Setter for multiple players.
Method void setPlayer(Player player) Setter for a single player.
Method Player getPlayer() Getter for a single player.
Method Player[] getPlayers() Getter for multiple players.
Method void setBoard(Board board) Setter for the board.
Method Board getBoard() Getter for the board.
Method Player getWinner() Returns the winner of the game.
Method Boolean isGameOver() Checks if the game is over.
Method void saveGame() Save game data (interface only, no implementation).
Method void loadGame() Load game data (interface only, no implementation).

12. AIPlayerModel

AIPlayerModel API Description
Method Position[] getPositionsCache() Getter for the cached positions.
Method List<Coordinate> getPlaceableOptions() Retrieves a list of valid coordinates for placing tokens.
Method List<Coordinate[]> getMovableOptions() Retrieves a list of coordinate arrays for valid moves.
Method List<Coordinate[]> getFlyableOptions() Retrieves a list of coordinate arrays for valid flying moves.
Method List<Coordinate> getRemovableOptions() Retrieves a list of coordinates for valid token removals after a Mill.

13. PlayerModel

PlayerModel API Description
Method String getPlayerName() Retrieves the player's name.
Method void setPlayerName(String name) Sets the player's name.
Method PlayerStateEnum getState() Retrieves the current state of the player.
Method void setState(PlayerStateEnum state) Sets the state of the player.
Method void updateState(PlayerStateEnum state) Updates the state of the player.
Method String getUserInput() Gets user input.
Method Command getCommandBuilder() Retrieves the command builder for generating commands.
Method Integer getUid() Retrieves the unique identifier of the player.
Method Token getOneToken() Retrieves one token owned by the player.
Method void setTokens(Token[] tokens) Sets the tokens associated with the player.
Method Token[] getTokens() Retrieves all tokens owned by the player.
Method Integer getNumberOfTokens() Retrieves the number of tokens the player has.
Method Token removeOneToken() Removes one token from the player's collection and returns it.

14. Position

Position API Description
Method Token peekToken() Retrieves the token located at this position without removing it.
Method void addToken(Token token) Places a given token onto this position.
Method Token removeToken() Removes and returns the token from this position.
Method Boolean isEmpty() Checks if the position is empty (i.e., if there is no token present).

15. Token

Token API Description
Method Player getOwner() Retrieves the player who owns the token.
Method void setOwner(Player player) Sets the owner of the token to the specified player.
Method Character getSymbol() Gets the character symbol that represents the token for drawing.
Method void setSymbol(Character character) Sets the character symbol to represent the token.
Method Integer getTokenID() Retrieves the unique identifier for the token.
Method void setTokenID(Integer tokenID) Sets the unique identifier for the token.
Method void goDie() Marks the token as removed or no longer in play.

16. View

View API Description
Method void draw(Display display) Defines the method for drawing view elements, to be implemented by subclasses. The Display object is used for rendering the view.