Pinned issues
- 0
- 0
#482 opened by khajasafvan2238004 - 0
- 9
Cannot install xcode with command `xcversion install`
#476 opened by SimJung - 0
- 0
#475 opened by Michealkie - 1
Cannot uninstall Xcode 14
#468 opened by pronebird - 6
Cannot install Xcode 14.3 on macOS Monterey 12.6
#474 opened by selundqma - 4
[!] Cannot find an installed Xcode satisfying '13.0' using MacOS 11.7
#469 opened by bouthainaghachem - 3
xcversion installed not all versions in the output
#465 opened by al-cheb - 4
Simulator install fails on Apple Silicon
#464 opened - 7
Xcode 14 simulator list blank
#466 opened by mzsanford - 6
- 8
Cannot uninstall Xcode 12 beta, Xcode 13 beta, ...
#414 opened by pronebird - 3
- 0
curl: (16) Error in the HTTP2 framing layer
#462 opened by frog-game - 4
You don't have write permissions for ...
#459 opened by alikenski - 7
`xcversion simulators --install` not working
#458 opened by monchote - 0
Problems with installing Xcode
#461 opened by user1029384 - 8
Xcode 14 beta install failing `spctl` check
#460 opened by ggrell - 5
filter xcversion list by range of versions
#426 opened by Pe-te - 7
Gem conflict error with CLAide
#452 opened by triplef - 3
Add support for aria2 for faster downloads
#425 opened by tahirmt - 9
xcode_install 2FA
#436 opened by bfrolicher - 6
- 1
Xcode 13.3 release not downloadable
#457 opened by LemonSpike - 2
permission denied
#456 opened by sdarwin - 1
Please authenticate for Xcode installation
#411 opened by spacesuitdiver - 3
The error when install Xcode
#448 opened by MarcSteven - 2
- 4
[!] Version 13.1 doesn't exist.
#449 opened by istx25 - 0
- 0
Choose version when installing via url
#445 opened by EiyuuZack - 3
`xcversion simulators` doesn't list iOS 15.0 Simulators
#444 opened by ncreated - 4
Xcode 13 is not listed
#443 opened by mateuszjablonski - 1
- 0
Not working behind Proxy
#441 opened by jhonny7337 - 1
Xcode 13 beta 3 is listed twice
#440 opened by pronebird - 0
Support to ruby 3.0
#437 opened by aomathwift - 9
- 7
Unable to determine Xcode version from path name
#407 opened by donly - 0
add support to ruby 2.7
#431 opened by rogerluan - 0
CI tests on ruby 2.5 are failing
#430 opened by rogerluan - 1
- 0
xcode-install fails through Jenkins job
#419 opened by menvol3 - 2
Incorrectly installed 12.2 beta instead of release
#418 opened by kohenkatz - 2
Xcode 12.1 not listed in the `xcversion list`
#415 opened by joristimmerman - 0
- 2
XCode 12.0.1 not being marked as installed
#410 opened by mh-bmckee - 1
Please authenticate for Xcode installation
#412 opened by spacesuitdiver