
version and commit

20210727 first commit: commit the "icp" and "camera imu time sync" with compilte

20210805 second commit: commit the "camera camera sync"

20210814 3rd commit: commit the "update camera imu time sync"

20210820 4rd commit: commit the "update camera lidar sync"

20210827 5rd commit: commit the "update lidar imu sync and mdt_omp"

20210904 6rd commit:commit the "stereo camera distance"

20210905 7rd commit: commit the "camera imu fusion"

20210918 8rd commit:commit the "camera lidar fusion and camera radar fusion"

20210925 9rd commit:commit the "lidar and imu fusion"


用于camera_lidar_fusion的数据集采用 kitti_data: 百度网盘, 提取码:jd88

用于双目和毫米波雷达的数据连接为: 提取码:otwn

其他数据集为: 提取码为:lwf9