[ECCV 2024] The code for the ECCV 2024 paper: Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Normalizing Flow Modeling for Unified Anomaly Detection

Primary LanguagePython

PyTorch implementation for ECCV2024 paper, Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Normalizing Flows Modeling for Unified Anomaly Detection.


Install all packages with this command:

$ python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Download Datasets

Please download MVTecAD dataset from MVTecAD dataset, BTAD dataset from BTAD dataset, MVTecAD-3D dataset from MVTecAD-3D dataset, and VisA dataset VisA dataset.


  • Run code for training MVTecAD
python main.py --dataset mvtec --seed 0 --gpu 0

Normally, you can obtain the following results:

Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC
Carpet 1.000/0.994 Bottle 1.000/0.986 Pill 0.966/0.988
Grid 0.997/0.991 Cable 0.970/0.959 Screw 0.961/0.993
Leather 1.000/0.996 Capsule 0.988/0.992 Toothbrush 0.911/0.990
Tile 1.000/0.961 Hazelnut 0.998/0.988 Transistor 0.977/0.913
Wood 0.996/0.959 Metal nut 1.000/0.981 Zipper 0.999/0.990
Mean 0.984/0.979
  • Run code for training BTAD
python main.py --dataset btad --seed 0 --gpu 0

Normally, you can obtain the following results:

Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC
01 1.000/0.976 02 0.859/0.973 03 0.987/0.990
Mean 0.949/0.980
  • Run code for training MVTecAD-3D
python main.py --dataset mvtec3d --seed 0 --gpu 0

Normally, you can obtain the following results:

Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC
Bagel 0.977/0.988 Cable gland 0.963/0.995 Carrot 0.889/0.988
Cookie 0.734/0.966 Dowel 0.960/0.992 Foam 0.811/0.917
Peach 0.829/0.994 Potato 0.690/0.950 Rope 0.976/0.992
Tire 0.876/0.986 Mean 0.871/0.977
  • Run code for training VisA
python main.py --dataset visa --seed 0 --gpu 0

Normally, you can obtain the following results:

Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC
Candle 0.988/0.995 Capsules 0.956/0.990 Cashew 0.910/0.991
Chewinggum 0.999/0.996 Fryum 0.984/0.949 Macaroni1 0.991/0.998
Macaroni2 0.926/0.997 Pcb1 0.976/0.995 Pcb2 0.956/0.983
Pcb3 0.986/0.994 Pcb4 0.979/0.987 Pipe fyrum 0.996/0.993
Mean 0.971/0.989
  • Run code for training Union dataset (combined by MVTecAD, BTAD, MVTecAD-3D, and VisA)
python main.py --dataset union --seed 0 --gpu 0

We also report the detailed results on the Union dataset as follows:

Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC Category Image/Pixel AUC
Bottle 1.000/0.982 Cable 0.951/0.860 Capsule 0.934/0.990
Carpet 1.000/0.993 Grid 0.986/0.983 Hazelnut 1.000/0.985
Leather 1.000/0.995 Metal nut 0.997/0.981 Pill 0.969/0.984
Screw 0.812/0.986 Tile 0.999/0.936 Toothbrush 0.961/0.992
Transistor 0.996/0.901 Wood 0.994/0.957 Zipper 0.999/0.992
01 0.997/0.974 02 0.838/0.969 03 0.995/0.997
Bagel 0.983/0.991 Cable gland 0.886/0.990 Carrot 0.815/0.990
Cookie 0.792/0.972 Dowel 0.896/0.978 Foam 0.798/0.913
Peach 0.856/0.993 Potato 0.625/0.958 Rope 0.929/0.994
Tire 0.835/0.965
Candle 0.989/0.996 Capsules 0.939/0.975 Cashew 0.928/0.987
Chewinggum 0.996/0.996 Fryum 0.976/0.938 Macaroni1 0.975/0.997
Macaroni2 0.903/0.995 Pcb1 0.964/0.992 Pcb2 0.966/0.972
Pcb3 0.964/0.990 Pcb4 0.981/0.981 Pipe fyrum 0.991/0.992
Mean 0.935/0.975

Note: You need to set the root directory of your dataset in the main.py by setting args.data_path. For Union dataset, the dataset path can be set in the datasets/union.py script.


If you find this repository useful, please consider citing our work:

      title={Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Normalizing Flows Modeling for Unified Anomaly Detection}, 
      author={Xincheng Yao and Ruoqi Li and Zefeng Qian and Lu Wang and Chongyang Zhang},
      booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision 2024},

If you are interested in our work, you can also follow our other works: BGAD (CVPR2023), PMAD (AAAI2023), FOD (ICCV2023), ResAD (NeurIPS2024). Or, you can follow our github page xcyao00.