
CLI and API to concatenate markdown files and modify as necessary.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CLI and API to concatenate markdown files and modify as necessary.

# Install

$ npm install -g concat-md

or use it via npx:

$ npx concat-md docs


If files have titles in markdown already:

$ concat-md --toc --decrease-title-levels --dir-name-as-title typedoc-api-docs > README.md

If files have titles in FrontMatter meta data:

$ concat-md --toc --decrease-title-levels --title-key title --file-name-as-title --dir-name-as-title docs > README.md

If files don't have titles:

$ concat-md --toc --decrease-title-levels --file-name-as-title --dir-name-as-title docs > README.md


  • Scans all markdown files in a directory,
  • Optionally ignores some files,
  • Concatenates all of them,
  • Adds table of contents,
  • Optionally adds titles from FrontMatter, file names and directory names,
  • Decreases level of existing titles to comply with added titles,
  • Adds anchor tags (<a name=""></a>) to files, if no optional titles are generated.
  • Converts relative links to point to concatenated file,
  • Works async (default) and sync.

CLI Options

  $ concat-md [options] <dir>

  --ignore <globs csv>              - Glob patterns to exclude in 'dir'.
  --toc                             - Adds table of the contents at the beginning of file.
  --decrease-title-levels           - Whether to decrease levels of all titles in markdown file to set them below file and directory title levels.
  --start-title-level-at <level no> - Level to start file and directory levels. Default: 1
  --join-string <string>            - String to be used to join concatenated files. Default: new line
  --title-key <key name>            - Key name to get title in 'FrontMatter' meta data in markdown headers.
  --file-name-as-title              - Whether to use file names as titles.
  --dir-name-as-title               - Whether to use directory names as titles.
  --debug                           - Print stack trace in errors.

  If files have titles in markdown already:
    $ npx concat-md --toc --decrease-title-levels --dir-name-as-title typedoc-api-docs > README.md

  If files have titles in FrontMatter meta data:
    $ npx concat-md --toc --decrease-title-levels --title-key title --file-name-as-title --dir-name-as-title docs > README.md

  If files don't have titles:
    $ npx concat-md --toc --decrease-title-levels --file-name-as-title --dir-name-as-title docs > README.md


└─ Development
   └─ Projects
      └─ project-a
         ├─ docs
         ├─ classes
         │  ├─ widget.md
         │  ├─ utility.md
         └─ interfaces
            └─ screen.md


# Description

Widget details lorem ipsum...


# Description

Utility details lorem ipsum...


# Description

Screen details lorem ipsum...
$ md-merge --decrease-title-levels --file-name-as-title --dir-name-as-title docs > README.md

Above command;

  • Concatenates markdown files,
  • Adds directory names and file names as title,
  • Decreases level of Description titles,
  • Outputs to README.md as below:


# Classes

## Widget

### Description

Widget details lorem ipsum...

## Utility

### Description

Utility details lorem ipsum...

# Interfaces

## Screen

### Description

Screen details lorem ipsum...








concatMd(dir: string, options?: ConcatOptions): Promise<string>

Defined in index.ts:295

Scans and concatenates all markdown files in given directory.


import concatMd, { concatMdSync } from "concat-md";


Name Type Description
dir string is the directory to scan markdown files in.
options? ConcatOptions are several parameters to modify concatenation behaviour.

Returns: Promise<string>

concatenated contents of markdown files.


concatMdSync(dir: string, options?: ConcatOptions): string

Defined in index.ts:281

Scans and concatenates all markdown files in given directory.


import concatMd, { concatMdSync } from "concat-md";


Name Type Description
dir string is the directory to scan markdown files in.
options? ConcatOptions are several parameters to modify concatenation behaviour.

Returns: string

concatenated contents of markdown files.



ConcatOptions /

Interface: ConcatOptions

Concat function options.


  • ConcatOptions




Optional decreaseTitleLevels

decreaseTitleLevels? : undefined | false | true

Defined in index.ts:52

Whether to decrease levels of all titles in markdown file to set them below file and directory title levels.

Optional dirNameAsTitle

dirNameAsTitle? : undefined | false | true

Defined in index.ts:72

Whether to use directory names as titles.

Optional fileNameAsTitle

fileNameAsTitle? : undefined | false | true

Defined in index.ts:68

Whether to use file names as titles.

Optional ignore

ignore? : string | string[]

Defined in index.ts:48

Glob patterns to exclude in dir.

Optional joinString

joinString? : undefined | string

Defined in index.ts:60

String to be used to join concatenated files.

Optional startTitleLevelAt

startTitleLevelAt? : undefined | number

Defined in index.ts:56

Level to start file and directory levels.

Optional titleKey

titleKey? : undefined | string

Defined in index.ts:64

Key name to get title in FrontMatter meta data in markdown headers.

Optional toc

toc? : undefined | false | true

Defined in index.ts:40

Whether to add a table of contents.

Optional tocLevel

tocLevel? : undefined | number

Defined in index.ts:44

Limit TOC entries to headings only up to the specified level.