- 0
Scroll Missing on Full-Page for Auto-height Instance
#1199 opened by jpreston84 - 1
Font size module misbehaves
#1197 opened by cezarypiatek - 0
- 0
FileBrowserPro is not a constructor
#1195 opened by HrBagge - 1
bullet list issue with strong tags
#1192 opened by Arj-Shankar - 0
- 1
Does it have an API for closing record operations
#1193 opened by alindas - 2
special character
#1194 opened by muhammadumerhnhtechsolutions - 1
no tooltip when clicking link within the text
#1189 opened by spaceexperiment - 5
- 2
- 0
- 1
Prop cleanHTML.useIframeSandbox not working. Attribute isn't appended in iframe
#1186 opened by jadrien41 - 1
Edit Link bugg when there is a iframe
#1176 opened by Lumartic101 - 2
- 4
Dropdown Options Not Scrolling in Jodit Editor When Used Inside React Modal/Dialog
#1171 opened by subin989 - 0
- 0
Drag and Drop does not work
#1190 opened by ilezus-dev - 2
Config modifications after initialization
#1161 opened by Tiktack - 0
Pressing tab doesn't focus in editor
#1169 opened by junan-trustarc - 0
Table settings popup appears then disappears instantly when dragging to select multiple cells
#1174 opened by Liteb0t - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
Issue is back (insert of  when pressing delete / backspace)
#1185 opened by DevelopmentDan - 1
ES2018 build does not expose Config module
#1172 opened by niels-van-den-broeck - 4
Add guidance doc for angular
#1168 opened by Yorklin888 - 3
Pop-Up "Paste as HTML"
#1156 opened by sameersmalsus - 1
Drop event never trigger.
#1167 opened by wohahobg - 0
- 1
Table borders do not get printed
#1162 opened by Liteb0t - 1
Missing CSS file for ImageProperties dialog
#1160 opened by JKRomero - 1
How do I insert a video (Not from youtube or vimeo)
#1159 opened by moomoo-dev - 0
- 0
Issues with typings for Jodit options
#1157 opened by julianpoemp - 8
- 1
space key issues
#1143 opened by gp-slick-coder - 1
I want to modify the icon on the change character color, background, how do I handle it?
#1147 opened by JangHarry - 0
Tooltip Visibility Problem
#1150 opened by ZimnitskiYury - 1
How to update toolbar icon and tooltip
#1152 opened by alindas - 4
Incorrect character count for spaces
#1144 opened by zarashima - 2
Inline popup tooltips are not visible
#1141 opened by harshavb7 - 0
- 2
Paste value with set limitChars
#1140 opened by pluderes - 1
Unable to use Speech Recognition
#1139 opened by snake-jhon - 1
Jodit Editor vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting
#1145 opened by avinashk2946 - 2
Unable to center text within table cell
#1134 opened by adrianagarcia1989 - 1
Bold, Underline, Strike out not working
#1132 opened by amitlimbadia - 1
#1137 opened by lisymart - 1
Unable to import With Webpacker and Typescript
#1135 opened by jonathanlinford