LFE Refresh Site 2024 Created By Danny Nguyen
Contributors: Sujal S.
HELLO LAMBDA CS NERDS. This is the Official Repository for Lambda Phi Epsilon | Alpha Phi Chapter at THE University of Oklahoma.
General Advice:
- This site is setup in a way where novice CS Lambda Students can learn how to effectively:
- Manage a site, Learn how cloud containerization works, general git practice, Learn new languages such as, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Learn how to use frameworks & styling: Bootstrap5 and how to generally make new additions/modules & pages to the existing website.
- If you want to make your own site, I highly recommend you make it from scratch with more people so that you can have something on your resume.
- Active house will sometimes make retarded request. You may choose to uphold the request at your own risk.
How this repo works & what it contains:
- Created with:
- Html
- Bootstrap5 Framework
- Sass (SCSS)
What needs work:
Brothers Page -
- Responsive Issue
- Videos not loading on devices with low ram/processing speed
- Solution: For screens lower than mobile size px by px change video to image.
Lineage Page -
- Needs an overhaul from old website
- Issue: Making a new tree responsive may be difficult :skull-emoji:
For Webmster:
- Learn how Bootstrap5 styling framework works (please read docs).
- Learn how HTML, CSS, JS works
- Learn how site responsiveness works (most important)
- Right now just focus on how to update the website and make basic changes. Later we will figure out the google bucket situation and other stuff.
Site Responsiveness:
- Not how fast a site reacts but how a site reacts to changes in screen size.
- Most website designs may look terrible on mobile if site isnt responding reponsively.
Task for Webmaster:
- For brothers page, when screen size changes to mobile, remove video and add class photo (refer to Example file).
- Add links to social buttons on front-page.
General Maintainence:
- Have google crawl new site.
- Update Site XML.
- Figure out how to send in a contact-form to an email using PHP. Having issues with GCP so not sure if this is possible on cloud storage :sad-face:
Contact Me:
In any case you "the webmaster" is having any trouble with the website, please refer to the OULambdas Contact Sheet and text me.