This php file is capable to create channels on a TS3 server. It also generates a privilage key for the "Channel Admin" channel group. + there is a fully functional request site, for testing. (createchannel.html)
It work via Server Querry, so you need to create Querry login credentials to use it.
(Tools -> ServerQuerry Login)
You need to donwload PlanetTeamspeak's PHP Framework from here to use it.
After downloading, require it in the api_createchannel.php file.
1. Download PlanetTeamspeak's PHP Framework from here
2. Require the ../libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php file
3. Fill in the authentication info and the server ip into the variables at line 23-25
4. Try it with createchannel.html, and check for any errors
5. Enjoy