
Source code for RPCS3's Discord bot.

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

RPCS3 Compatibility Bot

Build Status RPCS3 discord server

This is a tech support / moderation / crowd entertainment bot for the RPCS3 discord server.

You can read the design and implementation notes by visiting the folders in the web interface, or from the architecture overview notes.

Development Requirements

Runtime Requirements

  • .NET Core 3.1 SDK or newer to run from sources
    • needs dotnet command available (i.e. alias for the Snap package)
  • .NET Core 3.1 Runtime for server apps or newer for compiled version
  • Optionally Google API credentials to access Google Drive:
    • Create new project in the Google Cloud Resource Manager
    • Select the project and enable Google Drive API
    • Open API & Services Credentials
    • Create new credentials:
      • Service account credentials
      • New service account
        • if you select an existing account, new credentials will be generated in addition to previous any ones
      • Role Project > Viewer
      • Key type JSON
      • Create will generate a configuration file
    • Save said configuration file as credentials.json in user secrets folder
      • e.g on Linux this will be ~/.microsoft/usersecrets/c2e6548b-b215-4a18-a010-958ef294b310/credentials.json

How to Build

  • Change configuration for test server in CompatBot/Properties/launchSettings.json
  • Note that token could be set in the settings or supplied as a launch argument (higher priority)
  • If you've changed the database model, add a migration
    • $ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef (if you have never installed the tools before)
    • $ cd CompatBot
    • $ dotnet ef migrations add -c [BotDb|ThumbnailDb] MigrationName
    • $ cd ..
  • $ cd CompatBot
  • $ dotnet run [token]

How to Run in Production

Running from source

  • Change configuration if needed (probably just token):
    • use $ dotnet user-secrets set Token <your_token_here>
    • for available configuration variables, see Config.cs
  • Put bot.db in CompatBot/ if you have one
  • $ cd CompatBot
  • $ dotnet run -c Release

Running with Docker

  • Official image is hosted on Docker Hub.
  • You should pull images tagged with release-latest (same thing as latest)
  • Please take a look at the docker-compose.yml for required configuration (bot token and mounting points for persistent data).

External resources that need manual updates