
Simple tool to automatically download, convert, and install DEB packages on Void Linux via the awesome xdeb tool.

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MIT License devcontainer Status testcontainer Status nightly test Status release Status


Simple tool to automatically download, convert, and install DEB packages on Void Linux via the awesome xdeb tool. Basically just a wrapper to automate the process.

Each release generates a test report which is uploaded to https://xdeb-org.github.io/xdeb-install.

Table of Contents

Known Limitations

Before reading any further, I would like to make you aware of some known limitations of this tool. Please take a look at issue #19 for details.

Help Page

To display the help page, type:

$ xdeb-install -h

Example output:

   xdeb-install - Automation wrapper for the xdeb utility

   xdeb-install [global options (except --file)] <package>
   xdeb-install [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Simple tool to automatically download, convert, and install DEB packages via the awesome xdeb utility.
   Basically just a wrapper to automate the process.

   Timo Reichl <thetredev@gmail.com>

   xdeb          install the xdeb utility to the system along with its dependencies
   providers, p  list available providers
   sync, S       synchronize remote repositories
   search, s     search remote repositories for a package
   clean, c      cleanup temporary xdeb context root path, optionally the repository lists as well
   help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --file value, -f value                        install a package from a local DEB file or remote URL
   --provider value, -p value                    limit search results to a specific provider when --file is not passed
   --distribution value, --dist value, -d value  limit search results to a specific distribution (requires --provider)
   --options value, -o value                     override XDEB_OPTS, '-i' will be removed if provided (default: "-Sde")
   --temp value, -t value                        set the temporary xdeb context root path (default: "/tmp/xdeb")
   --help, -h                                    show help
   --version, -v                                 print the version


$ xdeb-install xdeb
   xdeb-install xdeb [release version] - install the xdeb utility to the system along with its dependencies

   xdeb-install xdeb [release version] [command options] [arguments...]

   --help, -h  show help

To install the current master version of the xdeb utility, type:

$ xdeb-install xdeb

To install a specific version of the xdeb utility, type:

$ xdeb-install xdeb <version>

For example:

$ xdeb-install xdeb 1.3

The tool also supports to figure out the latest release of xdeb when latest is provided as <version>. Example:

$ xdeb-install xdeb latest

As of today, 2023-10-04, this will install release 1.3.


$ xdeb-install providers -h
   xdeb-install providers - list available providers

   xdeb-install providers [command options] [arguments...]

   --details   display provider details (distributions and components) (default: false)
   --help, -h  show help

See Listing available providers


$ xdeb-install sync -h
   xdeb-install sync [provider list] - synchronize remote repositories

   xdeb-install sync [provider list] [command options] [arguments...]

   --help, -h  show help

See Syncing package repositories


$ xdeb-install search -h
   xdeb-install search - search remote repositories for a package

   xdeb-install search [command options] [arguments...]

   --exact, -e                                   perform an exact match of the package name provided (default: false)
   --provider value, -p value                    limit search results to a specific provider
   --distribution value, --dist value, -d value  limit search results to a specific distribution (requires --provider)
   --help, -h                                    show help

See Searching for DEB packages


$ xdeb-install file -h
   xdeb-install file [path or URL] - install a package from a local DEB file or remote URL

   xdeb-install file [path or URL] [command options] [arguments...]

   --help, -h  show help



$ xdeb-install clean -h
   xdeb-install clean - cleanup temporary xdeb context root path, optionally the repository lists as well

   xdeb-install clean [command options] [arguments...]

   --lists, -l  cleanup repository lists as well (default: false)
   --help, -h   show help


There are three ways you can install the tool:

You can install xdeb using xdeb-install later, see Help Page.

Using XBPS

Before you continue reading this section, read up on https://docs.voidlinux.org/xbps/repositories/custom.html. You have been warned.

Since my PR over at void-linux/void-packages didn't make it, you can't install the tool using any official XBPS repositories.

To work around that problem, I created my own unofficial XBPS repository at https://xdeb-org.github.io/voidlinux-repository. See https://github.com/xdeb-org/voidlinux-repository for instructions on how to install it to your system.

Afterwards, you can execute xbps-install xdeb-install to install the tool.

Using Go

If you have Go installed, simply execute:

go install github.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install/v2@latest

As long as the GOPATH is within your PATH, that's it.


Head over to the releases page and download a release binary. Then move it to some place within your PATH, like /usr/local/bin. Make sure to make it executable afterwards: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/xdeb-install.

Listing available providers

With details redacted

To list available providers, type:

$ xdeb-install providers


[xdeb-install] Syncing lists: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/lists.yaml
  architecture: amd64
  url: http://ftp.debian.org/debian

  architecture: amd64
  url: http://packages.linuxmint.com

  architecture: amd64
  url: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

  architecture: amd64
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/microsoft.com

  architecture: amd64
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/google.com

With details (distributions and components)

To list available providers along with their distributions and components, type:

$ xdeb-install providers --details


[xdeb-install] Syncing lists: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/lists.yaml
  architecture: amd64
  url: http://ftp.debian.org/debian
    distribution: bookworm
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: bookworm-backports
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: bullseye
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: bullseye-backports
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: buster
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: buster-backports
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: sid
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: testing
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware
    distribution: testing-backports
      component: main
      component: contrib
      component: non-free
      component: non-free-firmware

  architecture: amd64
  url: http://packages.linuxmint.com
    distribution: victoria
      component: main
      component: backport
      component: import
      component: upstream
    distribution: vera
      component: main
      component: backport
      component: import
      component: upstream
    distribution: vanessa
      component: main
      component: backport
      component: import
      component: upstream
    distribution: faye
      component: main
      component: backport
      component: import
      component: upstream

  architecture: amd64
  url: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
    distribution: bionic
      component: main
      component: multiverse
      component: restricted
      component: universe
    distribution: focal
      component: main
      component: multiverse
      component: restricted
      component: universe
    distribution: jammy
      component: main
      component: multiverse
      component: restricted
      component: universe

  architecture: amd64
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/microsoft.com
    distribution: current
      component: vscode.yaml

  architecture: amd64
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/google.com
    distribution: current
      component: google-chrome.yaml

Managing package repositories

Syncing package repositories

To sync package repositories, type:

$ xdeb-install sync


[xdeb-install] Syncing lists: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/lists.yaml
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bullseye: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bookworm: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/sid: non-free-firmware
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bullseye-backports: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bookworm: non-free-firmware
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bullseye-backports: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/buster-backports: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bookworm-backports: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/testing: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/testing: non-free-firmware
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/sid: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/buster: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/buster: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bookworm-backports: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bookworm-backports: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bookworm: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/testing: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/buster-backports: contrib
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bullseye: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/sid: non-free
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bullseye-backports: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/buster-backports: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/buster: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bullseye: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/testing: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/bookworm: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository debian.org/sid: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/victoria: import
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vanessa: import
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vera: import
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vanessa: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/faye: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/victoria: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/faye: import
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vera: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vanessa: backport
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vera: backport
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/victoria: backport
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/faye: upstream
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/faye: backport
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vanessa: upstream
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/victoria: upstream
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository linuxmint.com/vera: upstream
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: restricted
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: restricted
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: multiverse
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: multiverse
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: multiverse
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: restricted
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: universe
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: universe
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: universe
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository microsoft.com/current: vscode.yaml
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository google.com/current: google-chrome.yaml
[xdeb-install] Finished syncing: ~/.config/xdeb-install/repositories/x86_64

The log output is not in order because syncing is parallelized.

You can also filter the providers to sync, like so:

$ xdeb-install sync ubuntu.com


[xdeb-install] Syncing lists: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories/v1.1.1/repositories/x86_64/lists.yaml
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: universe
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: multiverse
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: restricted
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: multiverse
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: multiverse
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: main
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: restricted
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/bionic: restricted
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/focal: universe
[xdeb-install] Syncing repository ubuntu.com/jammy: universe
[xdeb-install] Finished syncing: ~/.config/xdeb-install/repositories/x86_64

The package repository lists are stored at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xdeb-install/repositories/<arch>, where $XDG_CONFIG_HOME typically translates to $HOME/.config.

Supported package repositories

See https://github.com/xdeb-org/xdeb-install-repositories for details.

Searching for DEB packages

General instructions

You can search for a specific package by its name, let's stay with speedcrunch:

$ xdeb-install search speedcrunch


[xdeb-install] Looking for package speedcrunch (exact: false) via provider * and distribution * ...
  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: bookworm
  version: 0.12.0-6
  url: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-6_amd64.deb
  sha256: a306a478bdf923ad1206a1a76fdc1b2d6a745939663419b360febfa6350e96b6

  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: sid
  version: 0.12.0-6
  url: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-6_amd64.deb
  sha256: a306a478bdf923ad1206a1a76fdc1b2d6a745939663419b360febfa6350e96b6

  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: testing
  version: 0.12.0-6
  url: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-6_amd64.deb
  sha256: a306a478bdf923ad1206a1a76fdc1b2d6a745939663419b360febfa6350e96b6

  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: bullseye
  version: 0.12.0-5
  url: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-5_amd64.deb
  sha256: 0c108597debfbc47e6eb384cfff5539627d0f0652202a63f82aa3c3e8f56aa5c

  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: jammy
  version: 0.12.0-5
  url: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-5_amd64.deb
  sha256: 241d302af8d696032d11abbc6e46d045934c23461786c4876fcc82e1743eec33

  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: focal
  version: 0.12.0-4build1
  url: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-4build1_amd64.deb
  sha256: 79c0075eea11b172d17963da185a0dffb9d2ab368fd5c64c812c695127579922

  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: buster
  version: 0.12.0-4
  url: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-4_amd64.deb
  sha256: 8681da5ca651a6a7f5abb479c673d33ce3525212e34a2a33afcec7ad75c28aea

  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: bionic
  version: 0.12.0-3
  url: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-3_amd64.deb
  sha256: 0206f112ac503393c984088817488aa21589c1c5f16f67df8d8836612f27f81

Search filtering by provider/distribution

Filtering search results is also supported via --provider <provider> [--distribution <distribution>]:

$ xdeb-install search --provider ubuntu.com --distribution bionic speedcrunch


[xdeb-install] Looking for package speedcrunch  (exact: false) via provider ubuntu.com and distribution bionic ...
  package: speedcrunch
  distribution: bionic
  version: 0.12.0-3
  url: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-3_amd64.deb
  sha256: 0206f112ac503393c984088817488aa21589c1c5f16f67df8d8836612f27f810

Inexact matches

Futhermore, the flag --exact (or -e) specifies whether the search will look for a package of the exact name as provided:

$ xdeb-install search --exact google-chrome


[xdeb-install] Looking for package google-chrome (exact: true) via provider * and distribution * ...
  package: google-chrome
  distribution: current
  url: https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Omitting --exact yields:

$ xdeb-install search google-chrome
[xdeb-install] Looking for package google-chrome (exact: false) via provider * and distribution * ...
  package: google-chrome
  distribution: current
  url: https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

  package: google-chrome-unstable
  distribution: current
  url: https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-unstable_current_amd64.deb

Currently, the only pattern available is startsWith, effectively matching google-chrome* in the example above.

Installing DEB packages

From remote repositories

To install speedcrunch, for example, type:

$ xdeb-install speedcrunch

This will install the most recent version of the package from the first provider and distribution it can find.

You can also specify the provider and distribution, for example debian.org and bookworm, respectively:

$ xdeb-install --provider debian.org --distribution bookworm speedcrunch

Directly from a URL

Let's stay with the speedcrunch example:

$ xdeb-install --file http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/speedcrunch/speedcrunch_0.12.0-6_amd64.deb

This will download the file speedcrunch_0.12.0-6_amd64.deb to /tmp/xdeb/localhost/file/speedcrunch_0.12.0-6_amd64/speedcrunch_0.12.0-6_amd64.deb and install it from there.

Directly from a local file

First, obviously download a DEB file from a remote location. Let's stay it's stored at $HOME/Downloads/speedcrunch.deb:

$ xdeb-install --file $HOME/Downloads/speedcrunch.deb

This will copy the file speedcrunch.deb to /tmp/xdeb/localhost/file/speedcrunch/speedcrunch.deb and install it from there.