
A Learning Repo for Drupal Development, Testing, and Deployment

Primary LanguagePHP

Drupal Lab (Docker + Composer)

This is a simple repo for investigating development workflows, experimenting with backend edits, and general exploration with the framework. It is designed to be quick and easy to spin up a development workflow with the power of Docker, and Composer.

This default provides a good baseline install from which to rapidly try out new code projects (particularly themes and modules). Avoids a lot of hassle of setting up portable development environments with external tools, has better cross-platform support (especially Linux), and serves as an easy template for version-controlled projects.

Getting Started

You must have Docker installed on the host machine.

While this comes with the required themes and modules installed, you should run composer install from the project root.

If you don't have composer installed natively (preferred) you may use the Docker image (https://hub.docker.com/_/composer) (unsupported)

You should run the following command on first load, in order to make the default files directory writable:

sudo chmod 777 web/sites/default/files/

Then you can simply run:

docker-compose up

You should wait approx 10 seconds for the SQL backup script to complete before the website will be accessible.

The website should be running at: localhost:8080/web

PHP My Admin is available at: localhost:8001


Pull requests should only be to improve the Docker development environment and should be fully portable to work on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Using Premade Install

This project is a pre-installed version of Drupal, with the following credentials for admin login:

username: drupal password: guest