
A Bot created in Nodejs to get some informations about stream elements streamer store

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Streamelements Store Telegram Bot

This bot was made to get informations about streamelements streamer store, like how much points you have and itens that is available on store.

Commands available:

/points [nickName] -- Will show you your points on streamer store
/items -- Will show itens availables on streamer store

Maybe in the future I can create new commands.


This bot uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
  • Node Telegram Bot Api - Node.js module to interact with official Telegram Bot API.


Install the dependencies.

$ cd bot
$ npm install

After this you need to inform streamer name and telegram token that you can get with Bot Father, so create envConfig.json inside constants folder.

    "STREAMER": "Streamer_Name",
    "TELEGRAM_TOKEN": "Your_Telegram_Token"

To start bot:

$ npm start

Deploy on Heroku

Fork this repositorie and follow this step.

For streamer name and telegram token, create STREAMER and TELEGRAM_TOKEN environment variable on heroku.

Remember to active worker dyno on heroku dashboar painel