This bot was made to get informations about streamelements streamer store, like how much points you have and itens that is available on store.
Commands available:
/points [nickName] -- Will show you your points on streamer store
/items -- Will show itens availables on streamer store
Maybe in the future I can create new commands.
This bot uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Node Telegram Bot Api - Node.js module to interact with official Telegram Bot API.
Install the dependencies.
$ cd bot
$ npm install
After this you need to inform streamer name and telegram token that you can get with Bot Father, so create envConfig.json
inside constants folder.
"STREAMER": "Streamer_Name",
"TELEGRAM_TOKEN": "Your_Telegram_Token"
To start bot:
$ npm start
Fork this repositorie and follow this step.
For streamer name and telegram token, create STREAMER
environment variable on heroku.
Remember to active worker dyno on heroku dashboar painel