
An injectable DLL to dump classes from a running JVM (win32)

Primary LanguageC++


This simple DLL injector hooks a running Java Virtual Machine's ClassLoader. Specifically it hooks the defineClass() method. It produces a dump of all classfiles loaded by the JVM from the point in time the hook is attached. The dumped classes are written to the location of the <jvm process's executable's directory>/dump/

#Compilation Compile each .cpp file as its own visual studio project. You will need jdk includes and libraries to do this.

#Usage Run the executable with a single parameter: either the PID of the process you wish to dump from or the image name of a process you wish to dump from. If multiple processes are found with that image name it will attach all of them.

#Author This code put together by https://www.sythe.org | Buy, Sell, Cheat at Online Games