Ember Chromium

Ember chromium is an easy way to download chromium in your project and run your unit/integration tests through it. It will also run headless by default on CI servers.

Getting Started

In your package.json, add a postinstall hook to run the download chromium script:

"scripts": {
  "pretest": "npm run install-chromium",
  "install-chromium": "node node_modules/ember-chromium/download-chrome.js"

then simply run npm install on your project.


You can run just the default behavior by doing the following in testem.js:

module.exports = require('ember-chromium').getTestemConfig();

That's it!

You can further customize the chromium as follows:

const chromium = require('ember-chromium');
const myCustomReporter = require('some-test-reporter');

// any chromium flags you want
const chromiumArgs = [

const config = chromium.getTestemConfig(chromiumArgs);
config.reporter = myCustomReporter;

module.export = config;

Once you have the default config, you can manipulate as fits your needs.