
Fiber based Build-Your-Own-Get5web framework for managing CS:GO get5 plugin.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go + get5 = Got5!
Got5 is simple and fast, Build-Your-Own-Get5Web framework.
Built with Go(1.20), Fiber.

Got5 interfaces supports general get5 event handling such as Kill, Match Load or Demo upload.
This makes you easier to build get5-based system like get5-web.


Shugo Kawamura - 河村 柊吾

Got5 interfaces

controller package has 3 interfaces that communicates with get5.
controller does not have database interface, so you may implement database system by yourself.


EventHandler interface should handle event coming from get5 Events & Forwards (get5_remote_log_url).
e.g. You can post Discord message, or save stats to your database.

// EventHandler EventHandler interface handles read operation by get5 events
type EventHandler interface {
	Close() error

	// Auth Checker
	CheckEventAuth(ctx context.Context, mid string, reqAuth string) error

	// GET5 Events
	HandleOnGameStateChanged(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnGameStateChangedPayload) error
	HandleOnPreLoadMatchConfig(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnPreLoadMatchConfigPayload) error
	HandleOnLoadMatchConfigFailed(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnLoadMatchConfigFailedPayload) error
	HandleOnSeriesInit(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnSeriesInitPayload) error
	HandleOnMapResult(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnMapResultPayload) error
	HandleOnSeriesResult(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnSeriesResultPayload) error
	HandleOnSidePicked(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnSidePickedPayload) error
	HandleOnMapPicked(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnMapPickedPayload) error
	HandleOnMapVetoed(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnMapVetoedPayload) error
	HandleOnBackupRestore(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnBackupRestorePayload) error
	HandleOnDemoFinished(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnDemoFinishedPayload) error
	HandleOnDemoUploadEnded(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnDemoUploadEndedPayload) error
	HandleOnMatchPaused(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnMatchPausedPayload) error
	HandleOnMatchUnpaused(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnMatchUnpausedPayload) error
	HandleOnKnifeRoundStarted(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnKnifeRoundStartedPayload) error
	HandleOnKnifeRoundWon(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnKnifeRoundWonPayload) error
	HandleOnTeamReadyStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnTeamReadyStatusChangedPayload) error
	HandleOnGoingLive(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnGoingLivePayload) error
	HandleOnRoundStart(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnRoundStartPayload) error
	HandleOnRoundEnd(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnRoundEndPayload) error
	HandleOnRoundStatsUpdated(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnRoundStatsUpdatedPayload) error
	HandleOnPlayerBecameMVP(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnPlayerBecameMVPPayload) error
	HandleOnGrenadeThrown(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnGrenadeThrownPayload) error
	HandleOnPlayerDeath(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnPlayerDeathPayload) error
	HandleOnHEGrenadeDetonated(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnHEGrenadeDetonatedPayload) error
	HandleOnMolotovDetonated(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnMolotovDetonatedPayload) error
	HandleOnFlashbangDetonated(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnFlashbangDetonatedPayload) error
	HandleOnSmokeGrenadeDetonated(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnSmokeGrenadeDetonatedPayload) error
	HandleOnDecoyStarted(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnDecoyStartedPayload) error
	HandleOnBombPlanted(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnBombPlantedPayload) error
	HandleOnBombDefused(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnBombDefusedPayload) error
	HandleOnBombExploded(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnBombExplodedPayload) error
	HandleOnPlayerConnected(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnPlayerConnectedPayload) error
	HandleOnPlayerDisconnected(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnPlayerDisconnectedPayload) error
	HandleOnPlayerSay(ctx context.Context, p got5.OnPlayerSayPayload) error


MatchLoader interface should handle get5_loadmatch_url request from game server.
You need to respond game server with JSON.

// MatchLoader is for Read Operation(get5_loadmatch_url)
type MatchLoader interface {
	// Auth Checker
	CheckMatchAuth(ctx context.Context, mid string, auth string) error

	// Load respond to get5_loadmatch_url
	Load(ctx context.Context, mid string) (got5.G5Match, error)

got5.G5Match is interface for generating get5 supported format JSON.

// G5Match 別の構造体にG5Matchインターフェースを実装すれば型が違っても変換してGet5に渡してくれる
type G5Match interface {
	ToG5Format() Match
type Match struct {
	MatchTitle           string            `json:"match_title"`
	MatchID              string            `json:"matchid"`
	ClinchSeries         bool              `json:"clinch_series"`
	NumMaps              int               `json:"num_maps"`
	PlayersPerTeam       int               `json:"players_per_team"`
	CoachesPerTeam       int               `json:"coaches_per_team"`
	CoachesMustReady     bool              `json:"coaches_must_ready"`
	MinPlayersToReady    int               `json:"min_players_to_ready"`
	MinSpectatorsToReady int               `json:"min_spectators_to_ready"`
	SkipVeto             bool              `json:"skip_veto"`
	VetoFirst            string            `json:"veto_first"`
	SideType             string            `json:"side_type"`
	Spectators           Spectators        `json:"spectators"`
	Maplist              []string          `json:"maplist"`
	MapSides             []string          `json:"map_sides"`
	Team1                Team              `json:"team1"`
	Team2                Team              `json:"team2"`
	Cvars                map[string]string `json:"cvars"`


DemoUploader interface should handle demo upload from game server.
You may want to add auth middleware to prevend unauthorized demo uploads.

// DemoUploader is for Demo Upload Operation(get5_dem_upload_url)
type DemoUploader interface {
	CheckDemoAuth(ctx context.Context, mid string, filename string, mapNumber int, serverID string, auth string) error
	Upload(ctx context.Context, mid string, filename string, r io.Reader) error // demoファイルの登録処理


There are some CVARs for authenticating Got5 and get5 gameserver.

  • get5_remote_log_url - For specifying where to send Event Data.
    • get5_remote_log_header_key - HTTP Header key for event request.
    • get5_remote_log_header_value - HTTP header value for event request.
  • get5_demo_upload_url - For specifying where to upload demo data.
    • get5_demo_upload_header_key - HTTP Header key for demo upload.
    • get5_demo_upload_header_value - HTTP Header value for demo upload.
  • get5_loadmatch_url "https://example.com/match_config.json" "Authorization" "Bearer <token>" - For loading match info.



logger is most simple implemention for Got5 interfaces.
logger simply prints what happens.
No write operation, No Data store system.


firebase interfaces will read/write match/event informations.
You may need to enable firestore on your Google Cloud Platform project.


discord is most complicated implemention of Got5 interfaces.
Discord struct implements all Got5 interfaces.
You can create match, store event datas and post what happens.

Discord webhook

discord_webhook posts received get5 events.
This is fairly simple and nice example for learning your first Got5 based system.